There Is No End to His Malignance

Just when you thought he had already told the most piggish lie you have ever heard, he tops himself.

Donald Trump had this to say today, justifying his monstrous abandonment of our allies, the Kurds, to his business partners in Turkey:

"They didn't help us in the Second World War; they didn't help us with Normandy"

Yes, that's his answer: the Kurds, who didn't have a country during World War II (and still don't, thanks in significant part to oppression from the very Turks that Trump is pandering to now) deserve to be betrayed because they did not participate in the Normandy invasion.

And let us not forget this:

"Ahead of the Trump administration's announcement, Kurdish forces had recently dismantled defensive positions along the Turkey-Syria border under assurances from the US it would not allow a Turkish assault."

It wasn't enough for Trump to enable Turkish genocide, not something exactly surprising from that country; he had to prepare the ground for it.  He owns every murder the Turks commit, as much as they do.

And let me add a little bit of background to this story.  What was the role of Turkey, which was a country with a substantial military, in World War 2?  From Wikipedia:

"Turkey remained neutral until the final stages of World War II and tried to maintain an equal distance between both the Axis and the Allies until February 1945, when Turkey entered the war on the side of the Allies...Turkey declared war on the Axis powers in February, 1945, after the Allies made its invitation to the inaugural meeting of the United Nations (along with the invitations of several other nations) conditional on full belligerency. No Turkish troops ever saw combat."

February 1945!  That's when they entered the war, under world pressure.  By that time, the Red Army was 35 miles from Berlin, and Hitler was two months away from committing suicide.  So how much did Turkey contribute to the Normandy invasion?  I repeat,

"No Turkish troops ever saw combat."
The state of the war in Germany in February, 1945

This is an ignorant, hateful, belligerent, ignorant, childish, stupid man, and a corrupt, criminal one.  He has no business being in a place of power.  He belongs nowhere but in prison, at this point, given his betrayal of the Kurds, on death row.


Magpie said…
We were at Normandy.
When the time comes to betray us it will be "they weren't at the Alamo'. Or Wounded Knee.
Or his inauguration. Or something.
joseph said…
The Kurds did help during World War 2
bt1138 said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
bt1138 said…
I think that the Trump-Kurd Shit-Show will prove to be one of the biggest turning points for a president who has had 2 or 3 turning points every week of his presidency.

This will not sell well with anyone who has any connection to the military. That's a big piece of the GOP vote base.

Trump is not just a criminally bad President, he's just a really really stupid person.
Green Eagle said…
This is, in many ways, the most abominable thing (that we know of yet) that Trump has ever done, which is saying a lot. It is nothing but mass murder by proxy, motivated by his monetary interests.

Fine with Republicans, though.
bt1138 said…
"Fine with Republicans, though."

Vladimir also thinks that it is a good thing the Turks are doing.

Mark my words, this will lead to another round of refugees being directed into Europe to further disrupt their politics.
Green Eagle said…
This is, in many ways, the most abominable thing (that we know of yet) that Trump has ever done, which is saying a lot. It is nothing but mass murder by proxy, motivated by his monetary interests.

Fine with Republicans, though.
Ed said…
Pull Them All Out of Syria, Now
Trump is Right on Syrian Withdrawal

Read more
Glen Tomkins said…
You weaken the argument that he needs to be removed from office by bringing in a possible profit motive based on his Turkish business ties. That makes his hallucinatory rationalizations -- that the Kurds didn't help us out at Normandy -- at least grounded in self-interest. We may have a crook in the WH, but at least we don't have a demented person with his finger on the nuclear button.

The terrifying reality is that we do have a quite literally demented person sitting in the Oval Office. He may indeed be a crook, but the most pressing reason to get him out of that office is that he is demented, unable to discharge his powers and duties because he doesn't understand them.

The single most terrifying thing he's done in office was putting up that weather map with the sharpie bulge he had scribbled in. That episode in no way directly harmed the national interest, or showed evidence that Trump is a crook. What it showed was that Trump is so disconnected from reality that he imagined that obviously sharpied map would convince everybody that he was right, and Alabama was indeed threatened by the hurricane. There was no self-aggrandizing motive there for Trump to the idea that the sharpie bulge really was part of what meteorologists had determined was the zone of threat, except that it would prove him right. But only a demented person could imagine that anyone would be convinced by the sharpie modification.

Trump agreed to let Erdogan take out the Kurds because Trump, as Scarborough noted, doesn't understand what "ally" means. Erdogan was able to manipulate him because he is so disconnected from reality that he doesn't even understand how public trust in weather maps works, and that is way simpler than understanding how Mid-East politics works. Trump doesn't know who the Kurds are, has only a vague idea who the Turks are, and doesn't understand how alliances work. That should frighten us all, about a thousand times more than the idea that Trump betrayed the Kurds to help get a sweet hotel deal in Istanbul, or whatever.
Green Eagle said…
"We may have a crook in the WH, but at least we don't have a demented person with his finger on the nuclear button."

He can be both, and he is. So we have a demented crook in the White House, if that is any satisfaction to you.
Green Eagle said…
And as for you, Ed, you posted a link to a person who describes hers site as follows:

"Help me fight the evil of radical liberals.
Help me share our Christian Constitutional conservative values."

At the bottom of the page are links to some other articles by her, including this analysis of the infamous Trump-Putin Helsinki meeting:

"President Trump was excellent at the press conference with Putin. His comments objective as they should be."

You should be ashamed of quoting in public garbage from such a source.
Infidel753 said…
In case you're not familiar with "Ed", he's a perennial right-wing troll who seems to specialize in posting right-wing talking points in the comments of posts that have been linked from Crooks and Liars. I guess he figures its a good way to maximize the number of people who see them.
Green Eagle said…
Thanks for the ti, Infidel. I'll watch out for him in the future. This time, however, I thought it was a good chance to point out once again what idiotic sources right wingers rely on for their information.
Bruce.desertrat said…
Unknown said: Mark my words, this will lead to another round of refugees being directed into Europe to further disrupt their politics.

Trump has explicitly said this, they they should all go back to 'Belgium and France'.

He has orders to blow up NATO and by god he's going to do his damnedest. He portrays his policy as "America First" but in rality it's "Trump First And Only!"

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