And Here They Go Again

From the Washington Post this morning, the following headline:

"Was there a quid pro quo with Ukraine? It can be hard to say"

Despite the fact that there is ten times more than just smoking gun evidence to prove that there is, and that the main criminal, Donald Trump, as well as others involved in this crime, have confessed to having committed it, it can be "hard to say."

"Hard to say," when you are paid to say the exact opposite, that is.  Get ready for it- as soon as a Democratic candidate is picked, the press is going to seize on 2020's Hillary e-mail scandal, which they will know from the very beginning is a manufactured Republican lie, and sell it for all it's worth.  In the meantime, it will be "hard to say" if Trump has done a single thing that is wrong or demeaning to the country.

That's how he won the first time; that's how George Bush won; that's how Reagan beat Carter; that's how Nixon beat anyone.  And that's how Trump may very well beat the Democratic candidate in 2020, despite being a loathsome criminal and by far the worst President in our history.


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