Press Covers for Repubican, part infinity

Here is something else that almost nobody seems to have noticed.  Our "liberal press" is once again collaborating with Republicans to present the current White House scandal with a Republican spin.

In almost every case, what Trump is up to is described as trying to enlist Ukraine (and other countries) in an investigation of supposed Biden corruption.  That is a completely false narrative.  Trump, Giuliani, Pence, Barr, Pompeo- every one of them knows that there is absolutely no substance to that claim.  What they are doing is not investigating Biden, it is forcing other countries to collaborate in the fabrication of a lie about Biden.  That is not investigation, it is extortion.  And like some mob protection racket on a global scale, they are, at least in Ukraine's case, threatening the very existence of the whole country if the Ukrainian government does not agree to participate in their scheme to smear their political opponents.

And let me be clear, I am not using the word extortion figuratively.  This is literally extortion, exactly the same as when some mob guys threaten to burn down a guy's business if he doesn't pay them protection money. 

From Findlaw:

"Most states define extortion as the gaining of property or money by almost any kind of force or threat of violence, property damage, harm to reputation, or unfavorable government action...Extortion is a felony in all states."

And that is exactly what happened here.  Trump's behavior would be a major crime in any circumstance; coming from the President of the United States is is an intolerable abomination.


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