Horrible News From the Wingnuts!

A story which has been blocked from the Fake News! But you can count on Green Eagle to see to it that it receives the attention it deserves!

Now, I must confess that this is not the greatest wingnut story that I have ever read.  That still belongs to the lady who claimed that she helped Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi kill and eat Norm Foster, and also said that she was Bill Clinton's sister and the Zodiac killer.  But still, it's a pretty good one:

"Shocking information has come in from Field McConnel...
Retired USAF Lt. Col Field McConnell says it’s been reported to him that Barack Obama was executed on September 29, 2019 by firing squad at GTMO.   McConnel went to the same high school as the illegal President Barak Obama in Hawaii!"

Well, who would know better than someone who went to the same high school as Obama?  I am sure they all received news about it along with their notices of the date of the next homecoming game.

"McConnel states the two big issues are 9/11 and pedophilia." 

9/11?  Obama was involved in 9/11?  When he was an Illinois State Senator?  And pedophilia? Well, I guess every Democrat does that.  Oh well, let's just move on.

"He says anybody who has trafficked children is going to be executed as well as anybody aware of the 9/11 treason and didn’t report it as required.   9/11 was done by elements within our own government.  By law, anybody having direct knowledge of treason is compelled to report it to one state Governor or one chief judge or justice of any one state.  So anybody who was aware of the false flag 9/11 operation and who didn’t report it is guilty of treason."

What law?  That's a new one on me.  Oh, of course, the part of the Constitution written in invisible ink which only True Patriots can read.

"He also states there is going to be a big celebration and announcements on the 10th of November which is the birthday of the US Marines founded in 1775 on this date."

There is going to be a national celebration of the execution of President Obama.  I can hardly wait.  Will there be free beer?

Do you think that it will give people like this guy one second's doubt when it doesn't happen, or deter him from spreading his next malignant lie?

"Lots covered here including one interesting tidbit he says about the US justice system.  He says Trump is going to make all lawyers part of the BAR association repledge themselves to the United States since all BAR members currently work for the Queen of England!"

Something else that I just never knew.  Does that include Rudy Giuliani?  If so, I think the Queen might want to consider removing a few of them from her employment.

You can thank Green Eagle for this valuable history lesson, brought to you without a single ad from a survivalist supply company or a gold trader, as is de rigeur for the original sources of things like this.

"If Obama was executed for treason (which he should have been if we had a justice system and a real country) then we can only hope Obama accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior before he was dispatched.  Jesus is the only hope any of us have.  You deny him, he denies you to the father!"

Can't finish without getting Jesus in there.  I'll just end by relating a story that Retired USAF Lt. Col Field McConnell told, illustrating how thoroughly the government is working against him.  Once, when he was selected for a jury, the judge asked the jurors if any of them had personal experience of pedophilia.  McConnell raised his hand and told the judge that his sister, who was one of the most evil people on the planet, was Hillary Clinton's partner in her world wide child sex ring.  At that point, the judge dismissed him from the jury.  How dare he!  Obviously taking his orders right from the Queen!


ciwarrior1 said…
Of course you want to put Jesus in there. Obama didn't know Jesus at the time of his death, and he couldn't know Jesus. Jesus only came for the lost sheep of Israel (Matt. 15:24) who are the white Caucasian, Celtic, Anglo Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, and kindred people in the world today. He didn't come for all races. First of all, Obama was illegal to become president. He was born in Kenya, not in the United States. It is a violation of the Constitution for someone to be born in another country and become president of the United States, just like it is a direct violation of the Constitution to have duel citizenship like most Jews do. Rest assured, Obama is dead, which is a good thing. Now it is time to do the same thing to Bill and Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi (who comes from a Mafia family and is corrupt as hell), and many others.

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