Wingnut Wrapup

I don't want anyone to think that I am returning to a regular diet of these things, but at the present moment, with the devastation being wreaked on their miserable hero Trump, Republicans, like the proverbial cornered animal, are likely to get up to the most vicious attempts to deflect attention from their crimes.  So I think it would do us well to pay at least a bit of attention to the monstrosities of falsehood they are concocting to try to convince people that it is actually the Democrats who are the bad guys.  And here we go...

And we will just start out with the following statement from a prominent right wing source, quoted by our President:

....If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.

This is the truth. This is where we are. We ARE on the verge of a HOT civil war.  Like in 1859. That’s where we are.  And the Right has ZERO trust or respect for anything the left is doing. We see THEM as illegitimate too.

HOT!  a HOT civil war!  See, they do believe in global warming when it suits their purpose.

Guy Benson, Town Hall:  "Hmm: Why Did the Intelligence Community Recently Change Its Whistleblowing Rules to Allow Secondhand Complaints?"

Well, Guy, they didn't. This seems to be one of the official Republican talking points today, as it is all over the place, from wacko right wing websites up to leading Republicans.

And in the face of Presidential treason, what outrages are wingnuts concerned about today?

Julio Rosas, Town Hall:  "'Nazi Scum!' Antifa Blocks Elderly Couple From Crossing the Street"

Ha.  This didn't even take place in the United States, and of course nobody was hurt.

So now it's time for our dose of Conservative humor for the day:

Boy, I bet that gave you a good laugh.

Cortney O'Brien, Town Hall:  "Trump: Schiff Should Be Arrested for Treason...Trump wasn't laughing. And on Monday he suggested that Schiff's behavior was egregious that it amounts to treason and he should be arrested."

And Cortney didn't report this as evidence of Trump's utter obliviousness to the rule of law and mental impairment, but as a pretty good idea.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "BREAKING: Trump Administration May Bring Back Steve Bannon and Corey Lewandowski to Counter Impeachment Scam"

Maybe they should bring back Joseph Goebbels too.

And now the following frightening news:

"Pastor Robert Jeffress praised President Trump in an interview as the “most pro-religious liberty” president the country has ever had while also suggesting that Democrats might worship “the pagan god of the Old Testament Moloch,” who, he added, “allowed for child sacrifice.” 
Moloch.  Even scarier than Elizabeth Warren

I bet Moloch was a customer at that pizza parlor too.  Probably where he met Hillary.

Kristinn Taylor, Gateway Pundit:  "President Trump Fights Back Against Partisan CIA Accuser With #FakeWhistleblower Hashtag"

A hashtag.  Boy, that will hurt.

Bryan Fischer, Renew America:  "Whistleblower complaint should be burned on the White House lawn"

Boy, that'll show them.  Listen, Bryan, this is the internet age.  It's not so easy to get rid of evidence of your crimes by burning copies of it.  Particularly when the criminal admitted on national TV that he is guilty.

Joan Swirsky, Renew America: "The groveling Jewish lefties"

Nothing to do with Trump, but a nice sign of where these people are coming from.

Victor Davis Hanson, Renew America:  "Why the impeachment frenzy may only strengthen Trump"

Because his followers are such vicious dicks that his abominable behavior only makes them like him more.

World Net Daily:  "Justice Department clears Trump on Ukraine call"

And here I thought I followed the news pretty closely.  I must have missed that.

James Simpson, American Thinker:  "Time to Set the Record Straight on Slavery"

I'm not going to bother you with this turgid garbage, but take it from me, the guy thinks slavery was a pretty good deal for the slaves, and people who complain about it are as wacky as those who believe in global warming.

Brian C. Joondeph, American Thinker:  "Trump and his Supporters are the Real Whistleblowers"

No puppet!  You're the puppet!

Ernesto J. Antunez, American Thinker:  "Three Cheers for the Trade War "

And four cheers for the depression it may cause!

Newsmax:  "Evolution Debunked...Doctor discovers proof in DNA that humans were created by God"


Guy Benson, Town Hall:  "Analysis: No, Trump's Request to Australia is Not a Scandal"

Not to Republicans.

Julio Rosas, Town Hall:  "Lou Dobbs Tells Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to 'Go to Hell' Over Impeachment Inquiry"

I bet that made them feel really bad.

Beth Baumann, Town Hall:  "What An Idiot: Dems Want to Impeach Trump But Schumer Expects Him to Work With Them On Gun Control"

Whereas Republicans understand that his having been caught in a web of crimes releases him from any responsibility to do his job.  As a reminder, when the Nixon investigations were going on, Nixon worked with Congress to pass a number of very important bills.  That was because he was trying to prove that he was a good President, not a vicious criminal.

Leah Barkoukis, Town Hall:  "GOP Rep Releases Video of 'Hypocrite' Schiff Eager for Dirt on Trump"

That's not "dirt," Leah, that's evidence.  I know you don't quite get the difference, but a lot of the rest of us do.

Matt Vespa, Town Hall:  "Hey, Democrats, You Know Who Else Transferred Phone Call Transcripts to a Secret Server?"

I don't know...Jesus?  Benedict Arnold?  Gandalf?

Jim Hoft:  "Ted Malloch: Shifty Schiff and the Jockstrap"

If that's all they've got, they will just have to go with it, I guess.

Brandon Morse, Red State:  "Breaking: Dallas Officer Who Shot Man In His Own Apartment Found Guilty of Murder...Hopefully, public opinion won’t decide the sentencing."

Brandon believes the officer should be given a very light sentence for entering another person's apartment and murdering him as he sat on his couch eating ice cream.  I wonder why Brandon believes that this particular murderer deserves a break..

Stephen Cruiser, PJ Media:  "Jeff Flake Pens Op-Ed to Remind Everyone Why He Was Run out of Office"

For telling the truth as a Republican for once in his life.  Once was all it took.  Here's what Flake said that had Stephen so upset:

" Traveling overseas I witnessed the damage being done to our standing in the world as a result of President Trump’s fondness for authoritarians and his scorn for allies. His hostility toward security alliances and trade agreements had placed our long-term security and our economy at risk. His adoption of the tyrant’s phrase “enemy of the people” put journalists in even greater peril, all over the world. His resentment toward refugees and profane description of certain countries were destroying generations of goodwill."

Stephen describes this as "Democratic talking points;" i.e. what is normally called "the truth."

Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi NECK DEEP in Ukraine – Female Ukrainian Party Girl Connected to Military and Government is Her Legislative Aide...Young Ivanna Voronovych was a party girl in the Ukraine..."

Whoo, a party girl.  We all know what a threat to democracy they are.

Jack Cashill, American Thinker:  "No One Noticed When Clinton and Obama Abused Whistleblowers"

Maybe it's because that never happened.  On the other hand, maybe there is a more sinister explanation, like Clinton and Obama being shapeshifting lizard people, and if you stood up to them, they would eat your babies.  What do you think?

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Boom!… Rudy Giuliani: We Are Considering a Lawsuit Against Congressional Democrats with Adam Schiff as Principal Defendent"

A lawsuit!  That'll put them in their place!  Just file that with the 3500 other lawsuits (!) that Trump has been involved in over his lifetime.

Matt Vespa, Town Hall:  "NYT: Adam Schiff Knew About Whistleblower Complaint Before It Was Even Formally Filed...Well, this whole impeachment circus just got shadier."

This apparently absolves Trump of the crime he committed.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  “The House of Cards of Obamagate Is Collapsing!”

Obamagate!  I guess Obama's very existence is a crime.

And I guess Republicans feel they have done uncle Joe in, because they are turning their attention to another target:

There's just no end to it.  Anyway, comments seem to indicate that if this 70 year old woman could actually be having a wild affair with a 24 year old marine, most people think it's a reason to vote for her, not against her.  At least it shows that she is physically fit.

Cristina Laila, Gateway Pundit:  "WINNING! Federal Judge Halts California Law Requiring Trump to Release Tax Returns in Order to Appear on 2020 Primary Ballot"

It's "winning" that Trump doesn't have to reveal the truth about himself.  That's their idea of victory.

And I just want to end with this.  I believe I have mentioned a couple of times that the worst of the piggish Republican propaganda is not in written form at all, but in videos, many of them seemingly produced by Russia or other professional propagandists.  I am serious when I suggest that a major reason for this phenomenon is that a large segment of Trump's base posesses very limited literacy.  In any event, for anyone who cares and thinks they have the stomach for it, here is an example of these videos, which are produced in God knows what numbers every single day. I'm including this one because it seems to touch a lot of the standard hard core wingnut talking points.  So, knock yourselves out if you feel up to it.


Poll P. said…
Glad you're back. These are fun times!! Except for our 401ks.
Infidel753 said…
Female Ukrainian Party Girl

As opposed to what? A male Ukrainian party girl? A female Ukrainian party boy? You can't trust people who are this sloppy about their writing to be accurate about anything else.

Trump was so proud of that "shifty Schiff" nickname that he repeated it three times in a few seconds. The wingnuts seem to think it's a real winner.

Lou Dobbs Tells Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to 'Go to Hell' Over Impeachment Inquiry

You mean this isn't already Hell?

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