The Circus Is Coming to Town

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!  Just when you thought Donald Trump couldn't think of a better way to make a mockery of our government and our legal system, this news is breaking:

"Donald Trump 'plans to live-tweet former FBI Director James Comey's testimony

Mr Comey is scheduled to appear before the Senate Intelligence Committee on 8 June - in public and closed door sessions - to speak about the ongoing FBI investigation into alleged ties between the Trump campaign team and Russia as well as possible Russian interference with the US election."

God in heaven above, we are going to have a closely controlled situation laying out the evidence, governed by rules refined over hundreds of years, and the chief suspect is going to abrogate to himself the right to spread to the whole country his side- excuse me, his lies about the story- with absolutely no control on what he says.  Is this what passes for justice in our country now, when a Republican is involved?  And you know that the mainstream press will go right along with this abomination, using their usual excuse that the public just wants a circus, not facts or decent government.

It is not stupidity or ignorance that is leading Trump to act the way he does.  If that were the situation, at least occasionally he would do something decent, which he absolutely never does.  Sorry, there is only one explanation for Trump's behavior; he is a tool of a hostile foreign dictator whose goal is to destroy the power and credibility of the United States.  More evidence to demonstrate this emerges every single day.  No rational person can deny what is going on, but on it goes, with the usual right wing pro-fascists shouting down anyone who speaks the truth.

Man, it sure is proving easy to destroy our country.


One Fly said…
"Man, it sure is proving easy to destroy our country."

And quickly too!

Unknown said…
"It is not stupidity or ignorance that is leading Trump to act the way he does. If that were the situation, at least occasionally he would do something decent, which he absolutely never does."

Have you read Carlo Cipolla's Five Laws of Human Stupidity?

I'll point out his Golden Law of Stupidity:
Law 3. A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses.

Trump would be at least two or three times as rich if he had simply put his money in an S&P index fund for the past 45 years, let the interest accumulate, and stayed out of any businesses.

Trump falls under Cipolla's definition of stupid people. So does Dikran Hagopian. You don't.
Green Eagle said…
Wll, thanks, Quncy. I certainly don't feel too smart about seeing how easy it is to destroy a democracy.

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