Who Really Wants Sharia Law?

If you've followed the lunatic idiocy of the right the last few years, you will know that one of their most frequent baseless claims is that Obama is working to force Americans to live under Sharia law.  Here are just a few random samples of this nonsense:

Breitbart:  "Obama Administration Paves the Way for Sharia Law...The most terrifying danger Americans face from a second Barack Obama term isn’t the economy, which is scary enough.  The most harrowing prospect is the Obama Administration’s passivity in the face of attempts to introduce aspects of sharia law into our legal system.  Now there is strong and open evidence of the Obama administration collaborating with Islamist activists to ensure the path toward sharia law is accelerated."

World Net Daily:  "The most terrifying danger Americans face from a second Barack Obama term isn’t the economy, which is scary enough.  The most harrowing prospect is the Obama Administration’s passivity in the face of attempts to introduce aspects of sharia law into our legal system.  Now there is strong and open evidence of the Obama administration collaborating with Islamist activists to ensure the path toward sharia law is accelerated."

And in a curiously similar post:

Freedom Outpost:  "One of the most terrifying things that Americans could expect from a second term of Barack Obama is not the economic downturn that we are already experiencing. It's not another 'Fast and Furious' scandal. Rather it appears that more and more the Obama administration, specifically the Department of Justice, is turning a blind eye to attempts to introduce aspects of sharia law into the legal system."

Now, here is the strange thing:  Virtually ever single one of the people who promote this arrant nonsense is also a supporter of legislation allowing employers to tailor the working conditions of their employees (most notably in respect to health benefits) based on the employers' religious beliefs.

It seems to never occur to right wingers that anyone would dare claim this right on behalf of any religion but their own warped version of Christianity; but the law that they are pushing would clearly allow Muslim employers to impose elements of Sharia law on American workers.  As is so often the case, they are cowering in paranoia about a totally imaginary threat from the left, while working night and day to bring that threat to reality themselves.  They scream in outrage at what they themselves are bringing about.

Well, who could expect rationality or self-knowledge from them at this point?


St. Joan said…
I am NOT wearing a bag on my head. Obama can just give up on that one!
KanaW said…
Well, as long as they scream against it while working towards it, they can then shake their heads and opine, "I had nothing to do with this. Nope, not me," when the results turn this country into a totalitarian theocracy.

The only difference between the Christiban over here and the Taliban over there is the name they use for their god.

Both sides want everyone else to follow their personal beliefs. Probably because their own beliefs aren't enough for them.
They do it that way specifically to not show what they are really up to, which they know well. They lie to everyone, including their clueless base sheeple!
Anonymous said…
We had idiots here in louisiana that said they could put money into religious based schools...but when these idiots found out it meant ALL religions not just chrisitans ..boy did they raise a friggin stink about it,,especially when a muslim school wanted into the program
Anonymous said…
One white guy plays the knockout game and gets a hate-crime charge....and you "report" that in this bilge blog. Hundreds of blasks- including women- plays the knockout game...and you omit ALL of them on this vermin site. You schmuck. YOU are the racist!!

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