Checking In With Larry

Well, it's time to see what Larry Klayman is up to- after all, this man holds the fate of our country in his hands, after his march on Washington last month, to force Obama from office, mobilized and astounding 130 people in front of the White House.  Now, he's preparing the next major step in his revolution:

"We will soon be announcing the date to convene the Third Continental Congress in Philadelphia early next year where, taking a page from the Founding Fathers, we will meet to plan the next steps of our Second American Revolution, with delegates from all 50 states.

We will also use the occasion to appoint committees to coordinate the revolution and to elect a government in waiting to take over on the day when our current corrupt leaders are forced by the citizenry to leave their thrones and freedom is restored to our shores.

Like our Founding Fathers in 1776, the time is now to risk all we have to save the nation from government tyrants before all is lost."

Well, then.  Larry is now reduced to comparing himself to Nelson Mandela.  I don't really think that is going to appeal to many of the neo-Confederate jackasses who make up the bulk of his followers, but I guess you never know.   What I do know is that, given his success in the past, it will be very surprising if he gets enough delegates to his "Third Continental Congress" to represent all 50 States.

I'm sorry that the political scene has been so boring the last couple of weeks, that Green Eagle has to resort to this sort of garbage to come up with something to post about.  I'll just defend myself with one of Green Eagle's favorite sayings:  "It's not my fault."


Grung_e_Gene said…
But, you see Obama is such a Hitler/Stalin that Larry Klayman was assassinated years before all of this happened and this is a Klayman imposter hired by Barack to make him look not Hitler/Stalin. Q.E.D.
Infidel753 said…
He needs psychiatric help. Self-delusion and self-importance on this scale surely rises to the level of clinical insanity. He's not in touch with the real world.
Green Eagle said…
Psychiatric help- that's assuming that neither of the following is true: He's a paid liar hired to build hatred and violence on the right, or he is just a con-man, milking the rubes for their money. In either of those cases, he needs help entering federal prison for a very long time.
Michael said…
Should make you happy, Green Eagle, that you can't find much to write about! But I'm sure, if you just look a little harder .... ;-)
Michael said…
And I want to stress, again, that your blog is one of my regular web highlights! Forgive the flattery, I don't want anything - it just gives me pleasure to share my enthusiasm. I don't know how you manage to read these right wing sites - your equanimity is astonishing .... Keep a-goin' - and thanks ...
Paul Avery said…
Surrogate delegates will have to be appointed. Klayman may get one delegate for each of the southern states...the other delegates will have to represent blocks of states.

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