Wingnut Wrapup

Boy, there hasn't been much news worth paying attention to lately.  Anyway, as a substitute for saying anything meaningful, here is the latest load of right wing lies to come to the attention of Green Eagle:

Katie Pavlich, Town Hall:  "Twenty Minutes Before SEALs Killed Bin Laden, Obama Was Playing Golf"

Well, not quite:

"According to a new book, however, the President was not nearly that engaged – and was actually playing golf until 20 minutes before the operation began in earnest."

20 minutes before the operation began, not until Bin Laden was killed.  These people don't even care enough about the truth to stick with it when their own columns prove them to be liars five or six sentences later.  Luckily for them, neither do their readers, so I guess it's all okay.

Moe Lane, Red State:  "If this story is accurate, Herman Cain will not win Iowa."

Luckily for Cain, since the story appeared at Red State, he doesn't have much to worry about.

Pajamas Media:  "Proper Government Would End ‘Occupy Wall Street’...You read correctly. Spare us any hubbub about the constitutional freedoms of speech, assembly, or association"

And exactly what sort of "proper government" doesn't allow protest?  I guess you can figure that out for yourselves.  So, spare us any crap about freedom of speech or the Constitution.  That's only for "demonstrators" paid for by the Koch brothers.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Oh, Good Grief… #Occupy LA Goons Shut Down Burger King"

Will the threats to our way of life never cease?

Alan Caruba, Renew America:  "As a student of history, I recall the hippie movement of the 1960s, the famed Haight-Ashbury refuge in San Francisco, and other places where a disaffected and unhappy youth gathered to "tune out" and listen to speeches about the Vietnam War and other grievances. "

Alan, as I remember it, the phrase was "tune in."  A little difference there.  Alan is angry that the government doesn't crush the Occupy Wall Street movement, because they are all Communists like Hitler.   Honestly, Alan, if I were you, I wouldn't rest my public image on being a "student of history."

World Net Daily EXCLUSIVE:  "Look who's behind Occupy Jew-hating"

Who cares what this idiotic article has to say?  I just thought you would get a laugh out of the title.

World Net Daily:  "Remember Obama's call for a civilian army? Here it is...How America's labor unions serve as ground troops for the radical left"

Yes indeed, unions are nothing but a pack of Storm Troopers, just like the Nazis, waiting for their chance to go out and start killing anyone who gets in their way. 


Wall Street Bonuses to be cut?  Yippee! OWS is working!

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "OCCUPY DEATH CAMPS –  Protester Found Dead In Tent"

Which makes Occupy Wall Street just like Auschwitz, apparently.  One accidental death- ten million murders- same thing, really, and just goes to prove that the Nazis were really liberals.

Kevin Holtsberry, Red State:  "Issue 2 in Ohio has failed... I personally believe there is a simple explanation.  Voters like their local cops, firefighters, nurses and teachers.  In many ways, they idealize these type of positions even if they don’t like the state of education or public safety, etc.  Thus opponents of reform had a very easy and emotionally effective message: Senate Bill 5 is an attack on the “everyday heroes” who protect our communities.  It doesn’t really matter if this was true or not."

Well, it never matters to Republicans if something is true or not.  But just for your information, Kevin, in this case it was true.   People do like teachers and firemen more than greed-crazed oil billionaires.  Deal with it.

Lauri B. Regan, American Thinker:  "There is something wrong if women do not understand that men are men no matter what their profession. Men like women, and it is usually not because they need a new friend."

Yeah, but not all men try to force women's heads down into their crotch.  I bet you never thought of it that way, Lauri.  Lauri continues:

"Was he right to use his position to gain female companionship under the false pretext of future employment?  No.  Was she right to reach out to a superior in the hopes of gaining employment without establishing clear limits?  No."

Oh, NOW I understand.  It was the woman's responsibility to make it clear to Cain that she wasn't interested in being forced to have sex, before she had her interview.  It is totally unreasonable to expect a successful businessman like Herman Cain to understand that there is a difference between a job interview and a cheap date.  He is far too busy pondering weighty international issues like how much pepperoni to put on a pizza.

Pam Geller, American Thinker:  "History will not be kind to Obama for his siding with evil and brutally aggressive oppression over freedom."

Yeah, yeah, we know, Pam.  Like how he sided with the brutal oppression of the people of Libya, Tunisia and Egypt, crushing the freedom they had to live under dictators.

Bernie Reeves, American Thinker:  "The rumor that J. Edgar Hoover was gay is repeated in the new biopic J. Edgar opening this week. And herein lies a useful lesson worth noting: Hoover's alleged homosexuality was contrived by the KGB in the 1960s."

Contrived by the KGB after they discovered that Hoover liked to wear a dress.


What would be over?  Sanity in government?  Any remaining shred of hope for the American people?

Well, here's a person suffering from terminal delusions about Herman Cain:

Erick Erickson, Red State:  "I still believe you can win the Republican nomination.  I still believe you can beat Barack Obama.  I still believe you can be one of the most inspiring Presidents since Ronald Reagan"

Man, I hope there are lots of Republicans who feel the same way.  At this point, Moammar Gaddafi has as much chance of moving into the White House as Herman Cain.

Jerome R. Corsi, World Net Daily:  "Amid death threats, Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio is scratching his head over the major media's virtual silence about his decision to investigate Barack Obama's eligibility to run for re-election."

Maybe because "investigating" bogus lies about a President is slightly outside the mandate of a county sheriff.  Listen, Joe, they are doing you a favor by ignoring you.  How about going back to something more in line with your capacities, like catching jaywalkers?

Smitty, The Other McCain:  "Jerry Sandusky Is To Joe Paterno As. . .Eric Holder is to. .

Just to belabor the point here, this post is not equating professional incompetence with being a sex offender"

Yes it is, Smitty.  That's exactly what you are doing.  Why even bother with the denial?  You guys are usually proud of your lies and smears.  By the way, even the part about Holder being incompetent is based on nothing.  Unlike, say, your guy Alberto Gonzales.  Remember him?  Now there's incompetent.  Didn't bother you too much at the time, though.  I don't remember any of you wingnuts comparing him to a child molester, even when he was torturing  teenage captives down in Guantanamo.

Katie Pavlich, Town Hall:  "No, Attorney General Eric Holder Still Has Not Apologized For Border Agent's Murder "

You know what?  He hasn't apologized for the assassination of Leon Trotsky either.  And he had as much to do with that as with some border agent's murder.  Katie, whoever the hell she is, has certainly become prolific in the lying pig department lately.  Here's another sample:

Katie Pavlich, Town Hall:  "Fast and Furious Was Not Botched... in no way was allowing Mexican cartels to get their hands on high powered weapons a "mistake."

Oh no, if we are to believe Katy, the Obama administration deliberately gave weapons to Mexican drug gangs so that they could murder U.S. law enforcement officers.  I'm sure we all believe that.  But of course, accusing Herman Cain of being a pig based on the evidence of five different women is an outrage.

Jonah Goldberg, Town Hall:  "'Right to Riot' Cemented in Campus Culture"

College football fans riot for no discerable reason?  It's all the fault of Occupy Wall Street!

Kathy Shaidle, World Net Daily:  "'I've never seen anything like what they're doing to Cain"

Born after Bill Clinton left office, were you, Kathy?

World Net Daily:  "Russian coffins get makeover...20 years after fall of USSR, more people can afford good life and good death"

Too bad we can't say the same about the U.S. of A.  Sort of makes you wonder who really won the cold war, huh?

S.T. Karnick, American Thinker:  "Hypocrisy in Media's Penn State Storyline...Instead of a story about sexual predation and a cover-up by government employees"

Yes, indeed, folks- listen up:  The Penn State program is really all about the abuses of big government.  I'm sure Mr. Karnick's plan to stop such incidents in the future involves tax cuts for the rich.

And now, a high point in Backwards Wingnut Thinking:

Bruce Walker, American Thinker:  "The Occupy Wall Street goons, along with the copycats in other cities, expose just how dependent the left is upon a powerful establishment."

Why, who could doubt that?  A spontaneous movement that has had virtually no connection with the government or media, and has, in fact attacked them both, is really the exact opposite, while the teabaggers are a genuine popular uprising despite their movement having been almost totally financed by very rich people.  You just knew that this post would descend to this before it was done:

"Totalitarians, ultimately, are simply frauds.  There is abundant evidence that the Nazis, for example, believed in nothing but nihilistic power, eschewing even Nazism's touted racial theories."

Yup, liberals are Nazis.  Not too hard to predict they'd stoop to that line of reasoning, huh?

Mona Charen, Town Hall:  "I think I understand why the audience at Wednesday's CNBC debate booed Maria Bartiromo's question to Herman Cain about sexual harassment allegations. They don't believe there is any truth to them."

Of course, they don't believe in evolution or global warming either. They DO, however, believe that Obama is a socialist born in Kenya, and they also believe that Sarah Palin would make a dandy President.  So forgive me if I'm being unfair to them, but I don't really give a damn what the hand picked audience at some Republican dog and pony show thinks.

And I guess I don't care what you think either, or I wouldn't torture you with this stuff.


Grung_e_Gene said…
Yeah, that dead protester? A Veteran who committed suicide, dea veterans are the only Vets conservatives care about...
Green Eagle said…
Unborn babies and dead vets- it's the people in the middle who can just fend for themselves.

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