The Most Preposterous Lie of All

We learn from Media Matters that Sean Hannity on Fox "News" hosted Joseph Farah last night to hold this conversation:

"FARAH: From a journalistic perspective, there's nothing to report about the charges about Herman Cain. And that's the thing I think that everybody's missing.

HANNITY: I said that from day one. I agree with you.

FARAH: Look, there are people out there right now who make far more substantive charges, worse charges about Barack Obama, who claimed to have done all kinds of things with -- you wouldn't report that, Sean, I wouldn't report that, nobody in the media would report it. Why is it that we report this conjecture, this -- these unsubstantiated, uncorroborated charges?"

That would be Joseph Farah, whose website World Net Daily, a perpetual staple here of Wingnut Wrapup, is the number one source of stories about how President Obama was born in Kenya,   That would be the same World Net Daily that provides a continuous platform to Jerome Corsi, the creator of the Swift Boat smear. The Same World Net Daily which today features an article that claims President Obama is turning labor unions into his own private SS troops.  The same World Net Daily that provides a platform for arch-Muslim hater Pam Geller to spout her racism .  The same World Net Daily which today features several articles about Obama's birth certificate, as it has every single day for years now, and which also has the following today:

"North American Union: WND killed it?"

Yes, World Net Daily kept Obama from totally destroying the separate existence of the United States.

"Officials running a federal program that is considering redefining death are going to be seeking further public comment after members of the Christian Medical Association raised alarms about several problems, including what they believe would be an open door to pressure families to donate organs before their loved one has died."

And what is the Christian Medical Association?  Well, first of all, it does not seem to have anything to do with real doctors, judging from its website.  It seems totally dedicated to indoctrinating medical students, and states:

"our mission is to witness to the truth of Jesus Christ in our relationships with our friends, our community, and the world."

Curiously, there doesn't seem to be anything on their website that indicates that their mission has anything at all to do with healing sick people.  Some "medical association."  Well, on to a few questions raised at World Net Daily today:

    "Could Obama be removed for violations of the Constitution?
    Could he be removed for still-unresolved issues of constitutional eligibility?
    What about a Democratic Party challenge to his nomination?
    And is there even a way to ensure he doesn't win re-election through voter fraud or third-party gimmickry?"

No comment needed.

"Is this the end of the world?
'Flashpoint 2012' offers analysis from 3 experts"

If you care to pay for it.

"The FDA kills smokers..."The FDA is responsible for protecting the public health."  That's what the Food and Drug Administration tells us on its website.

My intuition makes me grateful that the FDA is there to protect me – to make sure that every drug is proven both safe and effective – but "protection" kills people.

What other conclusion can we draw when we consider that the FDA now talks about banning electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes...True, the cigarette substitutes are basically nicotine-delivery devices. But so what?"

So what?  Huh? So what if they contain the same poison that cigarettes do?  What right does the FDA have to ban them, just because they kill people too?  In fact, stopping them from killing people is what ACTUALLY KILLS PEOPLE!  If you can't see the sense in that, you aren't a real Conservative.

Joseph Farah- this is who Fox news sees fit to host for a discussion about responsible journalism.  Fox News fans: Wake up. They are laughing at you as you do their bidding.


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