Wingnut Wrapup

If I don't force this garbage on you, it will stay in my computer and rot it from the inside, and soon it will be posting right wing crap all on its own.  No, really.

The lead story at Town Hall today:  "House Reaffirms 'In God We Trust' as US Motto"

Aren't we so happy that our House of Representatives has, keeping a promise that Republicans made when they took control of it from Democrats, focused like a laser beam on the important things?

Town Hall:  "Rice: Mideast Peace Prospects Worsened Under Obama"

Unlike what they did under her boss, George W. Bush. 

Thomas W. Sowell, Town Hall:  "Democracy Versus Mob Rule...In various cities across the country, mobs of mostly young, mostly incoherent, often noisy and sometimes violent demonstrators are making themselves a major nuisance."

Real democracy, right wing style, consists of billionaires bussing people in to synthetic demonstrations, not real people making a "nuisance" of themselves by expressing an opinion.  Americans should have figured that out by now.

Michael Barone, Town Hall:  "In Foreign Affairs, Obama Needs Respect, Not Love"

Translation:  Blowing the hell out of people works so much better than helping them dispose of dictators.  Obama is a wimp because he didn't kill a lot of people in Libya when he had the chance.  Michael observes:

"As for Iraq, let's hope that military scholars Frederick and Kimberly Kagan are wrong when they say that the Obama administration's inability to achieve its goal of a U.S. troop presence there has converted what was a limited success into "retreat" and "failure."

The most limited "success" in the history of the world; i.e. a complete, abysmal failure, brought to you by infantile Republicans of the Michael Barone variety.  Now, they are going to try to blame this disgrace on Obama.  What else did you expect?  It's all they have.

Ann Coulter, Town Hall:  "I'm spitting mad about this attack on Herman Cain"

Who gives a flying fuck what you are mad about, Ann?

Repair Man Jack:  "A Halloween Question: Who Is Afraid of Seven Billion People?"

Brought to you by the same people who gave us "Global Warming- So What?"  Maybe Repair Man Jack is excited because he thinks there will be lots more stopped up toilets for him to fix.

Michael Reagan, Town Hall:  "No Shame...Ask yourself: If similar accusations were aimed at any liberal candidate would the mainstream media, aside from condemning the charges, give them much publicity? Ask Paula Jones, harassed by the media for daring to accuse President Clinton of sexually abusing her. They smeared her mercilessly."

Maybe that's because Paula Jones was a proven liar who was paid by rich right wingers to say what she did, while Herman Cain paid his accusers to go away and shut up, sort of admitting that something really happened.

Ion Mihai Pacepa, Pajamas Media:  "Blame the Predecessor, Not the Ideology: A Historical Leftist Tactic"

Otherwise known as telling the truth.  Those evil leftists will stoop to anything.

Monte Kuligowski, Renew America:  "Frankly, Qadhafi's death should heighten the GOP's criticism of Obama."

Of course it should!  EVERYTHING should heighten the GOP's criticism of Obama.  And dont worry- it will.

Well, here's the biggest laugh of the day:

World Net Daily:  "Jack Abramoff decries endemic corruption in Washington"

In other news:  "Jeffrey Dahmer speaks out for a healthy diet."

Mona Charen, Town Hall:  "Moral Abdication...My high school sophomore son was grumbling as he read his world history textbook. He pointed me to this paragraph about the encounter between European and Mesoamerican civilizations."

Well, that's as far as I made it into Mona's article.  You know what, Mona?  We don't give a God damn what idiotic, meaningless thing you've found to complain about this time.  Now, go away.

Oliver North, Town Hall:  "Our head of state is now in Cannes, France, at the G-20 summit, gallivanting with elites from the planet's most powerful economies."

"Gallivanting" apparently being Republican speak for "working to save the world's economy from collapse."   I can see how they would regard that as a frivolous dalliance, given the way they are dealing with our economy.  Notice that Ollie couldn't quite bring himself to use the term "President."  I wonder why that might be.   Well, at least Obama isn't a drug dealing traitor like you, Ollie.

Pat Buchanan, Town Hall:  "Will popular democracy bring down the New World Order?"

Pat, believe me:  something has to exist before it can be brought down.  Think about it.  Maybe you'll figure out what I'm trying to tell you.

Town Hall:  "A Year Out, Obama Campaign Already Recruiting Volunteers"

How vile he is.  As opposed to his potential Republican opponents, who haven't even begun to think of the Presidential race.

And now, a little citation for Classic Right Wing Lack of Self Awareness:

Erica Johnsen, Town Hall:  "Clean Air for Chinese Communist Party Leaders, None for their Peasants...Despicable."

As opposed to, say, our noble Republican leaders, who fight so hard for clean air, right here in the Greatest Country in the Whole World.

Doug Giles, Town Hall:  "Meet the 99%: Agitators, Racists and Rapists"

Well, if you want a lie, hire a liar.  I can't be bothered to show you the dozens and dozens of wingnut posts making the same sort of claim.  Jim Hoft, for example, has given his whole website over to such lies for days now.  And I suppose there are people who believe this sort of thing- you know, the same ones that believe Obama is both a Muslim and a Communist.

Kevin McCullough, Town Hall:  "GLEE's Gay Garden Goes Too Far...This week's episode is dangerous for family viewing"

Oh sure.  You know what, Kevin? If you really think public outrages are put into network TV shows, you need to grow up too.

And here's another Gigantic Scandal that Ain't Goin' Nowhere:

Jack Cashill, World Net Daily:  "Obama went to France while in college?...On Thursday, while in Cannes for the G-20 Summit, President Barack Obama casually said the following: "The last time I was in the South of France – or the first time, rather – was as a college student..."

To Obama followers, this comes as news.  Its details, in fact, sound like they were pulled from the memory of Bill Ayers"

No lie so grotesque that it's not worth repeating year after year.  Don't these people have anything better to do with their time?

Well, let's just finish with the most disgusting right wing comment of the day:


There is nothing too low for them.


Grung_e_Gene said…
Oh the Rightwing is in full on smear, distort, lie, inflitrate and attack mode with the 99% and OWS. It's as though they've gotten their orders from their Moneyed Masters...

Bretibart just compared the OWS to the 9/11 hijackers...
Magpie said…

Yeah but they’re not racist (or misogynist)…
No not at all.

We’re racist for pointing it out.


So the existence of something 18.5 billion light-years away proves the universe is 6000 years old. Who knew?

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