Hell Freezes Over

Or, Green Eagle defends Herman Cain!

There has been a great deal of hoopla about a video which has been circulating the last couple of days, of Herman Cain answering a question about Libya.

Well, I'm sorry, but I think that, after the first minute or so of this five minute discussion, Cain gives a far more honest and acceptable answer to this question than the focus-group crafted attacks and talking points that are all we would have gotten from any other Republican candidate.  Watch if you would like and see if you disagree with me:

I think this is a great example of the unthinking herd behavior of the mainstream press.  Now that they have had a taste of Cain's blood, they are determined to fit him into the image of a buffoon.  Well, I suspect that he is a buffoon, but you can't prove it with this clip.


mastercynic said…
The Republican establishment and the vast amount of media they control have turned on Cain. They expected him to provide "proof" they are not racist, but never expected him to be a serious challenger. Now they are terrified that they might have a black candidate.
Magpie said…
Maybe Hell cools a bit slower for me, GE…

I think the segment went viral, so it couldn’t be ignored. The YouTube I’ve seen has had nearly half a million views in 2 days.

I don’t see anything here that is any worse than the stupid ‘look tough’ cowboy bravado we usually hear from Republicans, I grant you that. At least he tried to formulate an answer that had some vague if not terribly incisive logic. If it was a high school essay it might get a C.
Green Eagle said…
A C is better than the F- that the rest of them get.

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