The Beast Approaches

I'd like to continue the theme of my last little post with a comment on the government reaction to the Occupy protests.  Before beginning, let's be clear- this movement has absolutely no power at the present time, other than its moral righteousness.  It poses no threat whatsoever to the people who really control the government.  All they would have to do is ignore the protests long enough, and that would be that.  In truth, Americans are mostly too complacent, too propagandized, and to be blunt, just too damned lazy to do anything to impede their own destruction.

But even the pathetic threat represented by these demonstrators is too much for the people who want to turn this country into an oligarchy.  So, here is where we are today, as described by Robert Hass, the 70 year old former Poet Laureate of the United States, who, along with his wife, was beaten by police at a demonstration he went to observe:

"...the deputies in the cordon surged forward and, using their clubs as battering rams, began to hammer at the bodies of the line of students. It was stunning to see. They swung hard into their chests and bellies. Particularly shocking to me — it must be a generational reaction — was that they assaulted both the young men and the young women with the same indiscriminate force. If the students turned away, they pounded their ribs. If they turned further away to escape, they hit them on their spines.

NONE of the police officers invited us to disperse or gave any warning. We couldn’t have dispersed if we’d wanted to because the crowd behind us was pushing forward to see what was going on."

As similar scenes are being enacted across the country, an equally frightening pattern of behavior has begun to emerge:

"Over the past few days we have seen a truly remarkable and even more truly frightening occurrence, one I never thought I’d see in America.  Legitimate reporters are not being allowed to cover the news and it’s happening all across our country.  In a recent report, Reporters Without Borders raised concerns about the number of incidents in which credentialed reporters have been forcefully and physically prevented from covering police attacks on OWS encampments and the disparity in the legal outcome of their arrest.  In part. their report says:

“Sometimes they are arrested and then set free almost immediately. Sometimes they are arrested and, before being released, are charged with unlawful assembly, disorderly conduct or lack of press credentials.

Journalists covering the Occupy Wall Street movement’s protests and marches are not only exposed to police brutality but also to a sort of judicial lottery when detained. The situation varies from state to state, according to local laws, but the freedom to report news and information is being violated almost everywhere, not only for professional journalists but also for bloggers and for activists who want to cover the protests themselves."

And lest we forget why these people are out in the streets, let's remember this:

and this:

and this:

As I have been saying for years now, the United States is undergoing a concerted attempt to turn us from a democracy with a thriving middle class into a fascist dictatorship in which (in the end) a few hundred families will own practically all of the wealth in the nation, while the rest of the populace- not the 99%, but the 99.99% will live in abject poverty, forced to accept whatever jobs, whatever pay, whatever freedoms suit the minuscule ruling class.  It should be obvious to everyone at this point that this is not the accidental result of clinging to dysfunctional economic theories, but rather the desired end product of a society run by a few people who exist for nothing but to sate their monumental greed.

The violence and evil of the government response to these innocent protests, enacted over and over again all around the country, should make it clear how determined these malignant people are to conquer us all.  If the Occupy movement continues for another year or so, we can expect to see scenes that are reminiscent of what we have seen in Egypt, Libya and Syria.  It is becoming more unlikely every day that the peoplle of the United States can save themselves from this fate.


Poll P. said…
Fantastic and spine-tingling perspective. I'm scared.

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