Palestinian Art Gallery
I thought it would be an interesting experience for you art lovers out there to see some of the many pieces of art, from Palestinians and their sympathizers, which have already been created to commemorate the spectacular triumph of barbarism they pulled off a few days ago. Let's not waste any time, and just dive right in.
Here we have a specimen of a whole series of AI generated photos of Palestinians attacking the Temple Mount. It's quite something to see violent fantasies like this, generated with a couple of mouse clicks.
And here we have a graphic celebrating the deaths of young Israeli women at the hands of Hamas butchers. Again, there are numerous versions of this sort of thing, showing how popular murder of civilians is among Hamas followers.
And here is a classic theme from supporters of the Palestinians, accusing Jews of another Arab-perpetrated monstrosity, because, hey, why not?
And now, a perennial favorite, comparing Jews to their worst historical enemies, the Nazis. This is a common specimen of "owning the libs," designed to enrage Jews, which I suppose it does. Of course it enrages any decent human being, but I don't thing they care about that.
And here are phony Jews, cheering on the 9-11 attack, just for those who are happy to pretend not to remember the real perpetrators of that atrocity.
And another classic humorous portrayal of Jews. Please note that this one is by Ben Garrison, not a Palestinian but rather one of the most prolific right wing cartoonists in America, whose work is carried by many major wingnut websites, and has been frequently featured in Wingnut Wrapup. With this one, we really have left the Palestinian world and are squarely in what now passes for mainstream American conservative thought.
And here we continue with what would have shocked any American a decade ago but is now just acceptable right wing thought.
And I thought I'd include this one, just because Hillary. It just wouldn't do to leave her out of the hate fest.
And finally, when everything else fails, COMMIES!!!1!1!!!!
I wish to note that I found every one of these graphics today, at just a few sites dealing with the Hamas butchery, and they are only a small sample of what I saw. Well, art students, that's enough for this lesson, huh?
Why is the second item celebrating the deaths. I can't read Hebrew, so maybe I'm missing something about the captions?
I wrote this late at night, so maybe I wasn't as clear as I should have been. I found a number of these ganged up photos of Israeli victims of the massacre, in which they were gloating about the deaths. It was clearer in the written comments that accompanied the photos.