Solomon and the Baby

I've been thinking of this biblical story of the wisdom of Solomon lately.
The Wisdom of Solomon, by Rafaello

I'm sure you are all familiar with the tale:  Two women appeared before Solomon, each claiming to be the mother of a baby.  To decide,Solomon said, "Well, let's be fair here; we'll cut the baby in half and give each mother one of the halves."  One of the women said, "Fine."  One begged Solomon to give the baby to the other woman, as long as it could live.  Thus, Solomon discovered which woman actually cared about the baby.

Well, of course I am talking about the government shutdown.  We have one party that is willing to kill the country to prevent the other side from winning a battle with him, while the other side is trying a succession of agreements to save the country.

I'm not a religious person, yet I thought of this story.  Funny that the bible obsessed Christians who run the Republican party apparently never heard it.


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