The State of Wingnuttery Today

I think it is time to review the state to which those pathetic people who are still pro-Trump have had to descend in order to maintain their psychotic world view.  This is particularly relevant today because of yesterday's revelation by the New York Times that the Mueller probe was actually an outgrowth of an FBI investigation:

"F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia"

I have linked to this colossal story, in case you have not yet heard the details.  May I also mention a story today at Daily Kos, entitled  "Team Trump had over 100 contacts with Russian-linked officials and covered up every last one"

The tale of Trump's treason has been clear to those willing to see the truth since the day he took office.  The response of Republican voting "patriots?"  To invent a looking glass world in which it is the Democrats that are behind the most malignant conspiracy in all of history, and that it is Trump who is the champion of justice and morality who works every day to bring them to justice.  To illustrate this, I have selected one online article which seems to encapsulate a wide spectrum of wingnut delusions.  As usual with things like this, I will not identify its author or link to it.  The internet is filled with thousands of this sort of thing; you can easily find them yourself if you are interested.

I have a secondary motive in choosing this example, as it demonstrates a phenomenon that I have noticed several times in the last month, and which I have never seen before.  That is the incorporation into QAnon style conspiracy thinking of strong elements from the Sovereign Citizen movement, the most violent terrorist faction in the United States.  To me this is a bad portent of where the Trump supporters are headed as their delusions are continually unmasked.

Well, hold on; here we go:

"Around June 25 Military Tribunals were said set to begin with litigation on FISA crimes that named as defendants, former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former FBI Director James Comey, former National Intelligence Director James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan, former US Attorney General Loretta Lynch, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former FBI Agent Peter Strzok and his mistress former FBI Agent Lisa Page – all of whom were believed to be presently incarcerated on FEMA Prison Barges headed to GITMO."

Claims that these people were on their way to Gitmo, or already there, have been a staple of right wing conspiracy thinking for half a year or so; when inevitably they appear in public, wingnuts just ignore their previous predictions, and like the crazies who predict the end of the world, move the date of their apocalypse further down the line.  May I also add that a staple feature of this claim is the assertion that John McCain and George H. W. Bush did not die natural deaths, but were executed by Trump's military tribunals.  The recently ill Ruth Bader Ginsburg is also said to be not sick but awaiting execution for something or other.

"Charges on over 71,000 indictments, most of which were filed in federal courts across the nation last year, were believed to include global elite roles in treason, the 9/11 Massacre, hijacking of Malaysian Air 370/17, March 11th, 2011 Fukushima nuclear and tsunami mass murders, Benghazi Massacre, mass murder in Haiti and elsewhere, gun and drug running, human trafficking, child exploitation, kidnapping, murder and harvesting victim’s organs for monetary gain; election fraud, blackmail for certain votes on political issues through recording of pedophilia parties where children were raped, tortured and murdered; selling U.S. uranium resources to Russia in exchange for bribes; money laundering; misappropriation and confiscation of US taxpayer monies through use of the illegal and privately owned Federal Reserve, IRS, US Corporation, City of London and Holy See, plus not implementing the freedom from debt GESARA Law signed into law by the US Supreme Court and President Bill Clinton."

Well, there you go, just about every crime on earth.  I have bolded one section of this insane rant because it is classic Sovereign Citizen doctrine.  Now, from Wikipedia, more about GESARA:

"GESARA was a “US Citizen Freedom from Debt” ruling by the US Supreme Court resulting from a Farmers Lawsuit that muddled through the courts during the 1980s. The case proved that since the 1600s, US Taxpayer dollars had been illegally laundered through what was known by 1871-1900s as the privately owned IRS, Federal Reserve and Cabal corporations of the District of Columbia, City of London and Holy See (US Inc, Queen Elizabeth and Vatican) who then controlled use of the monies through Central Banks across the globe – with political elites filling their pockets along the way."

Once again, I want to point out that the statement bolded above is a direct statement of Sovereign Citizen theories.

It should be hardly necessary to make this point, but this is a complete delusion. No such law was ever passed in the United States, as should be obvious to the most naive. From Wikipedia, GESARA or NESARA:

"has since become better known as the subject of a cult-like conspiracy theory promoted by Shaini Candace Goodwin, doing business as "Dove of Oneness", who claimed that the act was actually passed with additional provisions as the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, and then suppressed by the George W. Bush administration and the Supreme Court. Goodwin's conspiracy emails have been translated into several languages and have a large following online."

And on we go:

"The Cabal was a global criminal operation composed of private parties that has controlled the global monetary system since its inception in 1693. By the 1800s a Satan worshipping Vatican and Queen’s Bank of London were using their privately owned US Inc.’s Federal Reserve and IRS to funnel US Taxpayer dollars through their Central Banks, thus controlling the global monetary system, as well as filling along the way, their own pockets and those of politicians they wished to influence.

Their Vatican-controlled Satanic Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult supported this criminal enterprise by holding regular Child Sacrifice rites across the globe to supposedly obtain the “power” to run all the criminal activities."

Combine Sovereign Citizen idiocy and a big dose of Satanic child abuse, and there you have it: the alternate explanation of what is going on in this country, which allows Trump supporters to still maintain that their champion is the good guy.  As I have suggested before, it is ironic that the worse people like Trump are, the harder it is for their followers to admit how wrong they have been; it is likely that a very significant portion of the American public will adopt views like this, rather than face the monumental fraud they have bought into.  What happens as their delusions become untenable?  Ah, that is the big question.

Note:  The Sovereign Citizen movement is not monolithic.  There are a number of similar but not entirely identical strains to their thought, pushed by various elements.  When I speak of "Sovereign Citizen doctrine" here, I am referring to notions that come directly out of that movement; however, you can easily find other Sovereign Citizen groups with somewhat different lunatic notions.  In particular, the notion of GESARA is not to be found in many Sovereign Citizen rants, but it is clearly on the spectrum, as it were, of Sovereign Citizen delusion.


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