Wingnut Wrapup

I know I promised to stop annoying you with these, but I thought it would be fun to see how the Republicans are lying their way out of the abysmal performance of Brett Kavanaugh in his recent Senate hearing.  So, here we go:

Matt Vespa, Town Hall:  "After Ex-Boyfriend Nuked Her Testimony, Did Christine Blasey Ford Lie Before Congress?"

No, everyone could see she was sincere, even Trump.  But now a few days have passed so it's time for the Republicans to get back to smearing her.  What else did you expect?

Katie Pavlich, Town Hall:  "Grassley Slams Ford's Attorneys For Lack Of Candor, Again Requests Documentation on Her Polygraph and Therapy Notes"

Of course, Grassley refused to allow all the witnesses to testify at the the Senate hearing, but he feels free to slander Dr. Blasey Ford with absolutely groundless accusations that there is some sinister evil hidden in this material that she has absolutely no responsibility to release.  This is a sort of a reprise of the Hillary e-mail lies, when every right winger claimed that there was some huge hidden crime, which never emerged no matter how many tens of thousands of e-mails the Republicans pored over.

Michelle Malkin, Town Hall:  "Investigate the Senate Democrat Wrecking Machine"

See, the real malefactors here are not the Republicans, who nominated a belligerent, drunken liar and right wing hatchet man to sit on the Supreme Court, it's the Democrats who try to point this out.

"It is my contention that this grand unearth-and-destroy spectacle was planned, coordinated and facilitated by Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats and their staffers."

They planned a political response to an openly partisan political choice.  How dare they?

Star Parker, Town Hall:  "Pro-Abortion Left vs. Kavanaugh"

Republicans know perfectly well that this guy will vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, even though he has lied about it over and over again.

Lauretta Brown, Town Hall:  "Sen. Graham Tells Audience: 'Boo Yourself' After They Boo Him For Saying Kavanaugh Was Treated 'Like Crap'

So fucking what.

And now time for a wingnut "humor" break:
Of course, that line came not from the FBI, but from the Republicans' bought and paid for prosecutor that they brought in to grill Dr. Ford, after a thirty year career of trying people arrested by Joe Arpaio.

Chris Reeve, Town Hall:  "Studies: Networks Systematically Ignore Prosecutor's Report Detailing Problems With Ford's Testimony"

Studies?  Well a "study."  Produced by the "Media Research Center," a right wing lie factory headed by Brent Bozell, author recently of "The Vast Anti-Kavanaugh Conspiracy" and "The Media Crazy Train On Kavanaugh," and former head of the National Conservative Political Action Committee. Bozell once called Barack Obama a  "skinny ghetto crackhead" on Fox News.  So take the study for what it is worth.

Beth Baumann, Town Hall:  "BREAKING: Ford's Ex-Boyfriend Pens Damning Letter Detailing Her Helping a Friend Prep For a Polygraph"

All over the right wing world today, and a complete lie, which has been utterly denied by the person taking the polygraph test.

Brandon Morse, Red State:  "Donald Trump Jr. Reminds Whoopi Goldberg that She’s On Record Supporting a Rapist After She Demeans His Sons"

This is Red State's lead story today:  a movie actress once said something.  That's the best they can come up with, I guess.  And just to be clear, whatever she said, it was about Roman Polanski, who, as far as I remember, was never up for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.

Brad Slager, Red State:  "The Christine Ford Legal Team May Actually Be In Legal Trouble"

This was about her attorneys turning down an "offer" from the Republicans on the Senate committe to have some Republican staffers fly out to California to take her testimony in private, at which point it would be buried a thousand miles deep, and none of us would have ever heard a bit of it.  No word about whether Judge Kavanaugh might actually be in legal trouble as a result of at least half a dozen lies he told under oath to a Senate Committee.

And, ready for some more right wing Kavanaugh "humor?"
Something every little boy is praying for these days, I guess.  No cartoon about how many girls have to pray not to be raped by belligerent drunks like Judge Kavanaugh.

T. La Duke, Red State:  "Creepy Porn Lawyer Tries Again"

So far, buddy, he's batting 1000.  Deal with that.

Toni Araiksenin, PJ Media:  "How I Discovered the Portland ‘Dog Rape Culture’ Article Was a Hoax"

Okay, okay, so I lied.  Not every item today is about Kavanaugh.  Sorry, just couldn't pass this one up.

Bridget Johnson, PJ Media:  "McConnell Wants FBI Kavanaugh Report for Senators' Eyes Only; Schumer Wants Public Release"

Gee, why do you think that might be?

Thomas Lifson, American Thinker:  "Shocker: Dianne Feinstein does not want the FBI report released" 

Just fine if Republicans want to do it, a horrible sin if Democrats do.  By the way, Dianne Feinstein is afraid that the Republicans will release the report with the names and addresses of all the witnesses, so they can be subject to the same sort of public smears and death threats already experienced by Christine Ford.  The Republicans undoubtedly want to pull a Devin Nunes stunt on the country, and leak a version of the report that is so mangled as to constitute one giant self serving lie.

PJ Media Staff:  "Lindsey Graham says Trump should re-nominate Kavanaugh if his nomination falls short."

Oh, what a great idea.  That should be really fun.

Christina Laila, Gateway Pundit:  "McConnell Puts Schumer in His Place – Denies Schumer’s Request For an All Senators Briefing on Kavanaugh FBI Report"

I guess McConnell must know something about what the FBI investigation, despite Republican attempts to destroy it, might turn up.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "EPIC! Democrat Senator SLAMMED at Presser: “Do You Honestly Believe Judge Kavanaugh Was Leader of Teenage Irish Catholic Rape Gang?”

Sorry, Jim, you lost me with the word "Catholic."  After all, they would only be applying the lessons they learned from their religious leaders.

Chip McLean, Renew America:  "Democrats are destroying the nation in order to win...The fact is that the great majority of the senate Dems had already decided to vote against Kavanaugh before his name was even selected."

Talk about projection.  That remark is, of course, a vicious lie, as witness the overwhelming Democratic vote for Trump's previous nominee.  It is, however, true that despite their dissembling, every Republican was committed to voting for whatever right wing hatchet man Trump picked.

And let's just get down to the real craziness:

Kari Lee Fournier, Renew America:"My family and my name have been totally and permanently destroyed by vicious and false additional accusations," stated a visibly angry and shaken Judge Brett Kavanaugh at the recent U. S. Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

Not so fast, Judge Kavanaugh.... Many see this attack for what it is...your reputation is intact. This is simply part and parcel of things that are to happen according to Bible prophecy. Yes, those who know and read Scripture prophecy understand exactly what is taking place at both this hearing and with other world events. Things are rapidly winding down on earth. Plain and simple."

Well, if it's ordained by God, I guess you people had better stop blaming Democrats for it.

And one last taste of the big laughs wingnuts are getting from all of this:
See, it was Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi who supplied Kavanaugh with all that beer, and then forced him to perjure himself in front of the Senate committee.

And let's just finish this subject with a story from my favorite news source:


Man, try to top that one.
Anyway, this is getting repetitive.  Let's just move on to a few other choice tidbits from the wingnuts:

Alan Keyes, Renew America:  "Greater than Lincoln or Washington?  Alan Keyes says Trump UN speech akin to Babe Ruth's historic home run"

No comment that I could ever make could capture the sheer deranged lunacy of that remark.  And, by the way, not just Lincoln or Washington:

"Like David, the president of the United States enacted his gesture of defiance."

King David.  Trump is as great as King David.  Oh well...

Rick Moran, American Thinker:  "Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez the dumbest politician in America?"

Forgot all about Louie Gohmert, Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin, have you, Rick?  Oh, and that guy your party (and Putin) put in the White House.  In fact, the last two guys you put in the White House.

Capt. Dave Bertrand, ret, Before it's News:  "Civil War Alert: Once Kavanaugh Is Confirmed, All the "Stops" Will Be Removed By President Trump and His Military Support Team...ANTIFA is organizing violence against Conservatives at all levels nationwide...Twitter is complacent and helping the Communists by allowing hate content to proceed while shutting down all Conservative voices and comments...

Once Kavanaugh is confirmed, all the “stops” will be removed by President Trump and his military support team and those inside the Pentagon to assure a fair and legal midterm election while the 51,000 plus sealed indictments hang over the heads of the Communists now panicking like never before...If Patriots are successful, violence will turn into Civil War."

This vital information brought to you by Capt. Bertrand, not at all a crazy person, who also has this to say:

"Civil War Alert: Leftists Openly Plot Mass Executions of Conservatives as Democrats Release Home Addresses of Republican Senators"

And enough paranoia for one day, huh?  Well, how about one more:

Before it's News:  "The Incredible Kanye West Clone Setup, Explained!!  Kanye West Was Too Human For The Music Industry And He Ended His Life, That Night On The Stage To Bring You Truth, To Be Replaced With A Clone!!"

Yes, Kanye West is a clone.  And here is the evidence:

"Kanye West never used to smile… now he smiles all the time."

Well, I guess that proves that.

Now, let me close with this.  I have noticed the last year or so that the really crazy right wing garbage seems to have almost entirely migrated to videos.  My suspicion is that a majority of right wingers just can't read very well, and since they are far less interested in facts than in having their emotions twanged, videos are a far better medium to reach them.  There are tens of thousands of examples of this deplorable junk on line.  I thought you might like to try a couple of minutes of an example.  This one was picked pretty much at random; there's lots worse if you look.


Infidel753 said…
This whole "investigation" and everything else they're doing is purely intended to give Flakey and Murky enough cover to get them to vote yes on confirmation. So the more outrageous the public statements are, the more effective -- anything to whip up the Morlocks to turn out and vote in November.

Well, King David was known for carrying out a rather slimy maneuver so he could get away with shagging someone else's wife. So maybe there's some comparison to Trump.

The Capt. Bertrand thing sounds like stuff I've seen on the blog of a QAnon believer I sometimes read. There's a lot more like it out there -- QAnon has plenty of fans. Many wingnuts really believe there's about to be a huge wave of arrests of Democrats.
Green Eagle said…
And a couple of polls have now shown that the right wing rage worked up by the Kavanaugh affair has totally canceled out the Democratic advantage in the coming election. Once again, lies beat truth and a willingness to be openly evil appeals more to white Americans than decency.
Anonymous said…
Oh oh. This is all the end result of reducing a highly technical and powerful device (the personal computer) to the simplicity and ease of use of an "appliance"...

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