The Van

I really don't have much to contribute to the discussion about the MAGAbomber at this point, for obvious reasons, but I thought people might like to see this.  Unfortunately, the original photo is not of very high resolution, so a lot of this is hard to read, but I opened the best picture of the bomber van in Photoshop, corrected the perspective and used the sharpen tools as well as I could.  As I say, not so successful, but here it is:

Update:  Here, from the Washington Post, are much better images of all the van windows, with commentary on where these images come from.


Magpie said…
I guess he won't be living the MAGA dream and living with mother anymore.
Infidel753 said…
Yes, a completely obsessive loony. As one would expect.

Funny, that looks like an East German flag at the upper left, next to Pence (if that's Pence in the corner), but it says something about Native Americans?
Infidel753 said…
I just realized what these pictures of the van windows have been reminding me of. It's this.
Jerry Critter said…
The fact that he is a hardline Trump supporter should come as no surprise to anyone with at least half a brain.
Green Eagle said…
Infidel, thanks so much for remembering that post. It is one of my favorite things I have ever written, and I did not think about the similarity between the images on this van and the things I showed in what I wrote.

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