Wingnut Wrapup- Presidential Espionage Edition

 I don't do too many of these any more but I think the following photo really calls for one:

I'm sure you have all seen it already, so I don't need to comment about what it shows.  Anyway, as the blatant fact that Donald Trump is the biggest traitor this country has ever know becomes clearer and clearer, we know what the right's answer will be:  amp up the lying, the smears of others and the desperate attempts to distract attention from the obvious.  And here's a small sample of how they are doing it:

“Most Republicans, including me, believe that when it comes to Trump, there is no law"

-Senatorette Lindsay Graham.

Truer words were never spoken.

Spencer Brown, Town Hall:  "DOJ's Latest 'Smoking Gun' Just Makes Them Look Worse"

That would be the above photo.  See, the more unquestionable the evidence, the worse it is for the Department of Justice, because the only thing they have a right to do is declare Trump innocent and move on with his next attempted coup.  I count at least ten documents marked secret or above.  This clearly makes the DOJ look worse, I guess, because they didn't show a hundred or a million.

"At the edge of the evidence photo, a box filled with framed Time Magazine covers is visible. Are those top secret? Proof of obstruction? Proof that *this time* the walls are closing in?"

Like many another Republican commenter today, Spencer's eyes go right past all of those top secret cover letters to focus like a laser on a framed Time Magazine cover, as though that is all there is to see in this photo.  This is beyond pathetic, beyond lying.  It is an utter lack of concern for the fate of our country that in itself should land this guy in prison, along with people like Congressman and wrestling pervert Jim Jordan, who had this to say:

"That TIME Magazine cover was huge threat to national security."

And some more, from Congressman Jason Chaffetz:

"The impression I got is that it was a public relations effort. This is not needed in a court document to make the case to the sitting judge. This was put out there knowing that they were going to go out there to the media."

You're damned right, Jason.  It was "put out there" to let the American people know that Donald Trump, and everyone who supports him, is a traitor.  Deal with it.

"Even the composition of the photo, Chaffetz noted, is suspect. "The idea that they spread them out across the floor and started taking pictures of them does not instill confidence," he said before alluding to the notion that the document covers saying top secret don't prove that the items contained within are classified or hadn't been declassified by Trump who held the ultimate power to do so. "This is not how we're supposed to administer justice in this country," Chaffetz added. "

They will believe anything except the truth.  And just to be clear, Jason, the way we are supposed to administer justice in this country is to throw criminals in prison.  And that includes Donald J. Trump, and for that matter, you too.

Jonathan  Turley:  "Notably, this filing includes this picture which is being widely distributed. It can, however, leave an obviously misleading impression that secret documents were strewn over the floor when this appears to be the work of the FBI agents..."

Jonathan Turley, the right's favorite legal liar, is a law professor.  Do you think he doesn't know that it is the contents of those secret documents that is going to get Trump in trouble, not how they were arranged on the floor?

Sarah Arnold, Town Hall:  "Bill Maher Suggests Hunter Biden Laptop Was Kept From Media to Get Rid of Trump"

First of all, who gives a fuck about Bill Maher.  Second, if someone did it to get rid of Trump, hooray for them, they did the country a massive service.  Third, HUNTER BIDEN! Aaaaaaghhhh!!!  Fourth, as far as I know, this is about the three billionth time that Republicans have raved like mad dogs about Hunter Biden's laptop, and I still have never heard a single terrible thing that is supposedly on it.  And fifth, HUNTER BIDEN! Aaaaaaghhhh!!! Make it stop already!  We all know this is about nothing but telling enough lies that people are fooled into thinking Biden is as big a criminal as Trump.

New York Post:  "79% say ‘truthful’ coverage of Hunter Biden’s laptop would have changed 2020 election"

Without being able to name a single bad thing about Biden that this laptop supposedly revealed, because, as I mentioned above, there has never been a single substantiated claim about the contents of the laptop which in any way shows anything bad that Joe Biden did.

Matt Vespa, Town Hall:  "What the Hell Did Joe Biden Just Say?"

He called you and your friends semi-Fascists, buddy.  You got a problem with that?  Because I only have one argument with that:  the word "semi."

Kurt Schlichter, Town Hall:  "Biden's Student Loan Forgiveness Is a Terrible Move for the Democrats"

Here's Kurt's "reasoning:"

"I'm ticked off. I'm ticked off because a bunch of freeloading deadbeats got their debts expunged at my expense. Here's my solution to the student loan crisis: pay your debts. Pay them all. Take money from your pocket and pay them all. Give up doing things you would rather do in order to pay off your debts."

I.e. God damn you if you help anyone in this country except me and my rich friends.  Trillions in tax cuts for the rich- hoorah!  Insider trading for Republicans!  Help for middle class young people who want to make better lives for themselves?  Screw You, Communist.

Sarah Arnold, Town Hall:  "Trump Has Some Words for the Search Warrant That Never Should Have Been Approved"

Really?  He has words.  How surprising.  I just wonder:  second grade ones or kindergarten ones.  Well, luckily, he has his own private web platform to shoot his mouth off.  Too bad nobody is listening.

Madeline Leesman, Town Hall:  "Biden Admin Defends Using Post-9/11 Law on Student Debt Forgiveness"

The weakling!  He used a law!  Using the law is for sissies.  Doing whatever you want, regardless of the law is the way that real Republican men act!

"A reporter pressed Ramamurti, asking how the Biden administration justifies using such a law "

Because it's the law, dumbass.  And Trump broke it.  Apparently a few hundred times.  Dropped out of school before fifth grade civics, did you?

Nick Arama, Red State:  "Stan Van Gundy Comparing Biden's Student Loan Bailout to Jesus Does Not Go Well"

It does not go well with the greedy bastards that are all Republicans care about.  It actually goes pretty well with anyone that actually cares about what Jesus said.  Remember this?

"For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me...‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me."

I guess it would be wrong to extrapolate from the above that Jesus thought that helping young people pay their college tuition might fit with that.  After all, he never said, "for I was ignorant and you didn't help me pay my tuition at Harvard."  Okay, enough Jesus for a while.

Bonchie, Red State:  "Judge Hands Trump a Win in Fight Against FBI, Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth Follows"

A victory?  I guess I missed that news...

"On Friday, the affidavit was released, much to the chagrin of the powers that be."

It revealed Trump to be very likely the worst traitor in the history of our country.  Boy, that is a big win for Trump, I'll say.  A big win with Vladimir Putin.

"The news sent resistance libs into fits of rage"

I don't know about fits, but it certainly sent a lot of us into a rage.  And how exactly should we react to finding out that a man who cheated his way into the Presidency betrayed the country to foreign dictators?  Get back to us on that one, Bonchie.

Nick Arama, Red State:  "Trump Team Points out How the Affidavit Raises 'More Questions Than Answers'

Questions?  Like, lethal injection, or a return to public hanging.  Here's a proposed reaction to the FBI affadavit:

They are really upset about how much we couldn't see.  They do not care a bit about the fact that what we could see is enough in itself to have Trump convicted as a traitor.

Matt Margolis, PJ Media:  "Can We Finally All Agree the 2020 Election Was Rigged?"

No, we can't asshole.  Because it wasn't.  God, they will never quit.

Mitch Picasso, PJ Media:  "Pregnant Louisiana Woman Seeks Abortion After Unborn Child Diagnosed With Birth Defect"

The "birth defect" is that the fetus has no brain.  It is an outrage to abort someone like this. Where else are Republicans supposed to get their base?

Mark Tapscott, PJ Media:  "Life Expectancy in America Has Plunged Since Obamacare Became Law of the Land"

Giving people health care always kills them, you know.  Mark had nothing to say about the million plus deaths from Covid, most of which could have been avoided had President Trump treated the situation as the crisis it was, rather than something to lie out of existence, because it threatened his re-election.

Rick Moran, PJ Media:  "California Democrats Really, Really Don't Like Texas Very Much"

You got that right, jerk.  First true thing you've said in about five years.

Matt Margolis, PJ Media:  "Did Joe Biden Know about the FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago? The Answer is Obvious."

It's "obvious" to anyone who thinks the President runs the country as a criminal gang, and uses law enforcement solely to punish anyone who stands up to his treachery.  That is, of course, the Republican way (remember the behavior of one Donald Trump, for example, if your mind can stretch back that far) and it is inconceivable that anyone could act out of a respect for the rule of law.

Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "EXCLUSIVE: Ukrainian Woman, Inna Yashchyshyn, Who Impersonated a Rothschild at Mar-a-Lago Is Almost Certainly a Deep State Plant"

If you haven't heard this story, the woman in question was at Mar-a-Lago numerous times, ending up friendly enough with Trump to play golf with him.  Yup, she turned out to be a Russian spy, wandering at will around his mob hangout/top secret document depository, and doing who knows what.  So now, Republicans are claiming without a shred of evidence that this example of how ludicrously unsuitable Trump is to have ever had a position of responsibility, is really an act of Democratic treachery.  Without a shred of evidence, as I said, because there is no evidence- this is a malignant lie.

Jordan Conradson, Gateway Pundit:  "LIVE Interview And Never Before Seen Footage With Marjorie Taylor Greene"

Gag me with a spoon.

Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "IT’S COME TO THIS – Corrupt Democrats and Their Deep State Bring Out Crazy Adam Schiff to Legitimize the FBI’s Illegal Raid on Mar-a-Lago"

I can't thing of a sarcastic remark in the world that would be more preposterous than that.

Cliff Kincaid, Renew America:  "How and why Republicans lose elections"

They don't cheat enough.  That's my guess.

Tom DeWeese, Renew America:  "The world of the Left is like a well-used litter box"

Republican political analysis at its finest- the perfect answer to the country discovering that Trump is a traitor.

"Sen. Ted Cruz: We still don’t have these answers about Jan. 6th"

Oh, fuck you, Ted.  Go back to being the Zodiac killer.

"Rep. Nunes (House Intelligence Committee) Durham Report Coming & People Are Going to Prison. California Rep. Devin Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, says he still believes Special Counsel John Durham will issue a report on the Obama administration’s surveillance of the 2016 Trump campaign and that people will go to prison."

Durham again.  How many millions are they going to give him to come up with nothing, and how many years are they going to wait, for them to finally give up and replace Durham with an even bigger liar?

And here is the Republican answer to all of this absolutely horrible news:

Oh right, just tell another stupid lie about Biden, and make it in a cartoon so that their illiterate audience can understand it.

Okay, okay, that's enough of that.  Let's finish on a little material from the even more deranged corners of Wingnut world:

"President Trump is a Jewish Zionist.  IT IS FAR WORSE THAN I COULD EVER IMAGINED  I am sorry, but the Truth Hurts."

Whatever.  I guess this shows that some of them are tired that he hasn't imposed a military dictatorship yet.

"Situation Update: Putin Mobilizes 1.3 Million Soldiers As Russia Declares War On NATO! Ramps Up Military!"

1.3 million imaginary soldiers, for an imaginary war on NATO.  He can't even beat Ukraine.  We all know that the vaunted Russian army turned out just like everything ever run by right wingers in the whole history of the world: a massive sinkhole of corruption that only existed to allow rich guys to plunder their government.  As for fighting, not so good.

"Whole World Could Become Rwanda-Like Zombie Situation!! 

Stage 1 – magnetic vaxx

Stage 2 – frequencies  (these could be specially tailored to you.)

Stage 3 – Zombie who goes nuts!!"

Well, okay, then.  That could happen.  Zombies in Rwanda.  Zombies who go nuts.  Who knew?

Christian Patriot News:  "The Indictment, Arrest, Trial & Execution of Hillary Clinton "Behind the Scenes" the Real Witch Hunt!"

They are going to send her to a military trial, and execute her again.  She must be a witch- they kill her over and over again, and she still stalks the earth.

"Did Trump Already Give Us Back Our Great Nation? Is Donald Trump President Now? Did He Already Free Us?"

Let's see...that would be no, no and no.  But apparently someone thinks they can get people to believe it, and probably pay for it too.

"Planet X and the United States Constitution, the Planet X Flyby Will Destroy America, the Globalist's Are All Well Aware of What Is Coming, Vaccinated Will Be Dead Soon"

Might as well not bother to vote in November then, MAGA people.

"This Man Has Been to Inner Earth! It's Real!"

Yeah, but has he been to Middle Earth?  That would impress me.

Situation Update:  "The Storm Is Upon Us! FBI Admits Election Interference Voids 2020 Election! Martial Law! New Elections! Trump Absolved Of Mueller Report! Vaccines Sprinkled From The Sky!"

In some other universe.  Just to reply:  1. The storm is not upon us, unless you are talking about global warming, which we all know you are not.  2. Of course, the FBI admitted nothing of the kind, because there was no election interference, except by Republicans, and Presidential elections cannot be "voided."  3. You can't be "absolved" of the facts contained in a report that proves that you are a criminal.  4.  Oh just forget about this vaccine bullshit.

"USA Military Veteran With Top Secret Military Clearance Explains Why Donald Trump Is Still President!!"

This deserves a little more coverage.  Here is some of the explanation- to get it all, you have to listen to a 90 minute long, boring as hell, video.  I gave up after about two minutes.

"Everything you’ve witnessed in the last five years is the most monumental historical covert operation to date and Donald Trump is your President by law by order and by regulations of the military and the Constitution. The way its proven is by the National Guard who is activated outside of their state and outside of our country and the only activations of the National Guard came from President Trump.

Active military cannot tell civilians what is going on, by oath and by honor. This is why you have not heard about what is happening in the background, because it is a military operation and the military cannot break their oath"

47 US CODE 606: “War Powers of the President”, which extends President Trump‘s power as President in war WHICH WE ARE IN."

"On January 20, 2021, Joe Biden was given and received a military regulation funeral service. They left the capital in a funeral procession and went to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. There was a 3-volley salute with 13 fires which is for funerals only. Biden is a “Minister Resident” – A person who takes up temporary residence in a foreign territory. They did not play “hail to the chief”, they played “Honors March One” which is only played for a Minister Resident."

Well, now you know the truth.  I just want to make it clear that all of this nonsense exists not because anyone expects people to believe it, but because it undermines faith that anything in the news is true.


Grung_e_Gene said…
He's guilty. Period. The question is the Democratic Leadership ready for low-grade terrorism when Trump calls for Violence and are local Police Departments ready to arrest their buddies who are rioting in the street or will they look askew?
One Fly said…
I just don't have words so much these days except for being a smart ass. For me pecking out a long - winded response serves little purpose because all of us here are on the same page, same word.

Have started calling these types flat earthers because it's the same damn thing. Even many of these nutters can understand that but refuse to look at obvious facts without bias now and for many years. I believe what I read about trump and all that is Republican. trump did it all and the rest of them are just as bad and quilty.

And - - - Fuck Texas
Infidel753 said…
Yep, just as loopy as ever. The thing about the Time magazine covers is especially ridiculous (and desperate). The carpet underneath the documents is not top secret either, thus proving Trump is even more innocent.
Mostly.A.Cynic said…
It's sad that people actually buy into these political hysterics. Do the people who pen this swill actually believe what they're saying? Can't figure out which is worse making sh*t up like this or actually believing the sh*t they made up?
Green Eagle said…
I have to say this about your question, Cynic: I first started following right wing propaganda in the late sixties, and have been asking myself the same question ever since. Here's what I think: The vast majority of the people who churn out this propaganda know perfectly well that it is all lies. To them it is a path to money and power, and they just don't give a damn about the damage they do. A small percentage- certainly under 10%- are, I think, clearly mentally ill; it has always been my policy not to report on anyone who I believe fits this category, as it would be attacking someone for something beyond their control. The rest actually do believe the crap.

There is a difference, however, with the consumers of this garbage, a high percentage of whom have actually fallen for one or another of these grifts.

This is what I have believed for quite some time, but in the last couple of years, I have noticed a change in what is going on. The people who echo Trump's lies in most cases know perfectly well that they are spreading malignant falsehoods. However, they understand the one thing Trump is not lying about: if he is returned to power, he will institute a White supremacist reign of terror directed against all minorities, which they now see as the only way they can keep sole control of this country. The cost of getting him back in the White House (they believe) is slavishly parroting every one of his lies, to build a mass of aggrieved hate-filled white people that will vote for him in 2024. So, they push his lies, because all they really care about is the one truth he is telling them.

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