He Did It Again

 The Great Orange Baboon may not know much, but he is really good at what he does know.

Here is what has happened in the last month in this country:

Democrats passed legislation making great progress on the environment and health care, and pay for it solely with tax increases on the upper classes, with no middle class tax cut

The unemployment rate hit its lowest level in 50 years

Inflation receded to a rate of 0% in July

The current leader of Al Qaida was found and eliminated

An almost unprecedented international coalition, led in large part by Biden, has stood up to Vladimir Putin's aggression, without precipitating a wider war

And the CDC has been able to further reduce Covid restrictions, as the Trump disease diminishes.

In a normal country, President Biden would be cheered for one of the most successful periods in the history of any Presidency.  Instead, there is only one thing that utterly dominates the news:  Donald Trump's latest jackass criminal stunt, and his belligerent bellowing about how wonderful he is and what vengeance he is going to take when he regains the White House.

Of course, give credit where credit is due.  A large part of the success of this strategy relies on the mainstream press, whose rich owners are thrilled to obscure the truth about what is going on in this country, so they cover Trump's malicious sideshow as an alternative to dealing with the incipient destruction of civilization at the hands of the Republican party and their allies.  Still, the press is his fiddle and he plays it as he will, no matter what the end result. And the beast slouches toward us all.


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