Two Questions about Trump's Stolen Documents

Here are two things I want discussed about the boxes of secret documents Trump took with him when he left the White House.

I just heard Peter Strzok ask one of them on MSNBC today.  That is, what makes us think that we have all of what Trump stole?  We know that it has taken a year and a half and an FBI raid to get what has now been reclaimed, but he had all that time to take the things that were most valuable to him, and take them who knows where.  Do you think that it didn't occur to Trump to do that, and the patent illegality of such behavior would stop him for a second, after he stole the documents in the first place?

And second, he has had a year and a half to make whatever copies of these documents that he wanted to.  What would make you think that he didn't do that, and stash the copies in God only knows what place, very likely out of the United States, and out of the reach of American law enforcement?

What is more, let me state my own position on these two questions:  Given Trump's lifelong record of criminal behavior and evasion of the law, are we not entitled to believe that he has done both of these things?  He has no record in seven decades of life of acting any differently.  In this case, as far as I am concerned, the standard should be guilty until proven innocent.  Let him sit in prison, in solitary confinement, for the rest of his life, until he can convince us that he has turned over everything, and not made copies of it.  Anything else risks the security of our whole country at the hands of one of the most immoral, criminal people in world history.


One Fly said…
Absolutely all of the above.

He will use the most important items that he still has as a get out of jail free document.

That's how this prick rolls.
Jean Valjean said…
Holy cow! You're absolutely right. He's a Mob guy, taught by Roy Cohn; he'll have tricks up his sleeve.

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