Wingnut Wrapup

 Yeah, I thought I'd shovel along this pile of garbage before the weekend is over.  Sorry, but it's what I do.

I thought I would start off with this wonderful graphic:

This is from an allegedly American website, showing the noble knights from Russia and China defending the world against the mighty monster that is made up of the US, Britain, Germany, France and a couple of other presumed democracies that I can't identify.  It is just so representative of the smears and lies that are fed to right wingers every single day that I couldn't resist showing it to you.

This brings me to something I have only done a couple of times in all the thousand or more Wingnut Wrapups I have written: link to a video.  Here is the graphic that accompanied that video:

Apparently, there are two other parts of this execrable pack of lies, but this one was enough for me.  It is a compendium of the falsehoods on which right wingers justify Putin's criminal aggression against Ukraine, and essentially against the rest of the free world too.  It was obviously (as you will see if you try to watch it) produced in Russia.  An important reason that I decided to link to this is the persistent presence of excerpts from Tucker Carlson's show.  I've seen nothing that really displays like this how traitorous Carlson is.  

Those who know something about World War II may recognize the name of Lord Haw Haw, a British subject who spent World War II in Germany, broadcasting propaganda designed to weaken the resolve of British troops and civilians.  After the war, he was captured and very properly, in my opinion, executed as a traitor.  Yet nothing he did tops what you can hear from Carlson here.  Today, however, half the country seems to be just fine with this malignant sedition, and it is almost impossible to conceive of him ever paying a penalty for consorting with a genocidal dictator.  Anyway, give it a listen for a bit if you can take it.  And let's just move on here:

"X22Report: Trump Sends The Message! It’s Time!"

Time for what, you jackass?  Maybe this?

"Biden is Soon Out and Trump in on May 5th?"

The fiftieth date or so that they have announced for the triumphant return of their man-god.  We'll see.  Well, no we won't, of course.

"The [DS] is throwing everything they have against the wall but it’s not sticking. They are in panic mode"

Democrats are always in panic mode.  It pleases right wingers to no end to imagine Democrats in deep distress, whether or not there is a reason for it or a shred of evidence that it is happening.

"New Dark Outpost: "My Husband Is A Satanic Super Soldier!"

Man, I bet he is hot in bed.

"New Alex Jones Global Emergency! Russia Says It’s Officially at War With Nato, Warns Nuclear Armageddon Imminent"

Whoopee, we're officially at war with Russia!  Does that mean that we can finally charge Donald Trump and all his bootlickers with treason?  And by the way, let's just be clear:  There is no global emergency as scary as an Alex Jones global emergency.

"Meanwhile the globalist, transhumanist, doomsday cult has pulled out all stops in their plan to collapse human civilization. This is not a drill! This is humanity fighting for its very existence. It has been said for millennia, it’s always darkest before the dawn, and it is. Humanity is awakening"

Humanity is fighting for its existence.  And the champion they have picked to save the world?  Donald Trump.  That is going to work out well for them.

"BREAKING NOW!! Trump’s First-Ever Post on TRUTH Social, “I’M BACK! #COVFEFE”

Covfere?  He's talking about covfefe again? The guy is a complete raving lunatic, and so are his followers, who will hallucinate meaning into even the stupidest spelling mistakes he made, and keep doing it forever.  Here, a right wing moron tries to explain:

"What is #COVFEFE?

Is it a reference to THE COVFEFE ACT?

On June 12, 2017 U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05), co-founder and co-chair of the Congressional Transparency Caucus, introduced the Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement or “COVFEFE” Act."

What can you say except that this would be the COVFEE act, not the COVFEFE act, dumbass.  The reality is not strong with these ones.

"X22Report: Hillary Clinton & Deep State Players Took The Bait! Trap Set! All The Walls Are Falling Down!"

What bait?  What walls?  How much fun they have hating us.

"New Clif High & Benjamin Fulford: What If In Azovstal There Is A Huge Hoard of Khazarian Mafia Gold Guarded by Nazis"

Right, hidden in an abandoned steel mill in Ukraine: a gigantic pile of Jewish gold.  I mean, what if it is there?  That would explain a lot, wouldn't it?  Of course, assuming Ukrainians are fighting for their lives against a genocidal dictator would explain a lot too, but who believes that for a minute?  No, of course they are fighting to keep Jewish gold guarded by Nazis.

"Disney Secrets: Underground Tunnels & Cages! Occult/Freemason Ties to CIA Drug/Sex Trafficking/Andrenochrome Harvesting & Epstein Pedo Island!"

Because anyone who is against the MAGA crowd must have underground tunnels to store their dead babies.  Otherwise, how could they function?

"Huge Amounts Of Pain Happening To The Swamp Creatures! Storm Is Very Close! Panic In DC!"

Because, all they really care about is causing pain to their enemies, or at least the people their sick leaders tell them to hate.  Anyone who thinks that doing good in the world is something they care about at all is a fool.  It's all about the hatred.  And why is that?  Because people who give themselves over to hatred can be manipulated to vote for anyone, no matter how hideous (case in point, of course, one Donald Trump.)

"New Dark Outpost: Elon Musk Replaced!  New reports coming from reliable sources are indicating that the man calling himself Elon Musk may be a doppelgänger or a clone of the original. Meanwhile, intelligence has uncovered evidence that the original Musk was affiliated with the Illuminati and may have been eliminated."

Another clone, like Hillary, Biden, Oprah, Tom Hanks and all the rest of them.  Why, of course, that must be the explanation- clones.

"Antarctica Stunning New Images Have Emerged! Evidence Now Uncovered Ancient Romans Were Visiting There!"

For a refreshing vacation, I guess, at the world's southernmost Club Med.  I think this might be one of those images- who can be sure?

And now an important announcement:

"Message from Restored Republic VP, JFK Jr.

Military Intelligence intercepted the Deep State’s 16 year plan to destroy America. (8 years of Obama, then 8 years Hillary)"

"White-Hats needed someone loyal for the role of president during this operation. After approving certain clearances, the Military installed Trump into the RNC. Think about that for a second: Military. Installed. Trump."

Yeah, think about that.  Military. Installed. Trump.  Of course, that would be the most massive act of treason in our country's history, but don't think about that- it would still be wonderful.  For White people.  Or at least rich white people, who are the only ones who really count.

"The 2016 Election was rigged for Hillary. The Media was complicit."

Not complicit enough that they didn't spend the whole campaign fawning over Trump and collaborating daily in the spreading of lies about Hillary.

"White Hats controlled the election to give the people a fair vote. There was no way Trump could’ve won without this happening. That’s why they were SHOCKED when she lost.That’s why they didn’t cover their tracks. They never thought she would lose."

Which of course is the opposite of the truth.  Without Russian collusion and press collaboration, Trump would have never had a chance, but Republicans are going to go on repeating the grand lie forever.  Particularly when it comes from the true Vice President of the United States, the very dead corpse of JFK Jr.

And here are how things are going in the "White Hats'" fight to save the world:

"Top levels of corruption are under control.

We had to let them complete their crimes in order to charge them to the fullest extent under the rule of law at a tribunal."

That's why Trump let Biden take over and has screamed about it ever since- because it was part of his plan.  But wait...if it was part of his plan, why is he so angry about it?

"The election was a trap. Trump ran uncontested."

Something that always happens in Presidential elections.

"Now that he is completely out of the picture, and with the public thinking Biden has full control, the military will soon be able to announce the takeover."

Oh, certainly.

"Ghislaine Maxwell’s Terramar Project:  What people may not know is that TerraMar had an underwater base off the coast near Chili and operated a transportation system under the sea to Fiji and Tonga and then to New Zealand and Australia."



"China will take back Taiwan in a matter of hours. Like a Rubby Ducky in a bathtub, it starts"

This was from a couple of days ago.  Oh well, I guess "a matter of hours" could be ten or twenty thousand of them.  And now some Republican science:

"How does a NASA shuttle leave Earth to travel a half million miles round trip on a tank of gas, make it through 25,000 miles of a Radiation Belt, have perfect radio communication in 1969 when NASA only had less than 1/millionth of computing power of today’s Smart Phone and why was all evidence of Apollo 11 destroyed?"

I guess it never happened.

"If we didn’t go to the Moon, where did all the money go that we spent to supposedly get there?"

Yeah, good question.  Where did all the money go?  Maybe to make you this astounding offer:

"Liberals are FURIOUS that Trump Supporters get this MAGA Wrist Watch for FREE!"

Liberals are FURIOUS that Trump supporters get this watch for free!  And all they have to do is spend the rest of their lives getting multiple daily attempts by Donald Trump to extort money from them.  What a deal!

"Make no mistake, Joe Biden has been the worst President we've in this lifetime. He's even worse than Obama and says something.

It's clear that Trump put America First.

As a proud American in this God fearing nation, we must stand up and fight with President Donald Trump and support his stance against the Democrats.

That’s why for a limited time only Trump Supporters will be able to receive a Limited Edition Make America Great Again Wrist Watch for FREE!

I bet it's a Patek Philippe, too.

This amazing Make America Great Again Wrist Watch is on track to become the most popular Patriotic memorabilia in the history of the United States, and liberals are on a mission to keep this from happening!"

In the history of the United States!  Biden is horrible, and that is why we have to give away these watches!  Makes sense, doesn't it?

"Sasquatch Captured In Shocking Footage! 2022"

Nothing is too stupid that it can't be used to erode right wingers' faith in reality.  And now for some capitals:


Whatever.  Pigs being destroyed.  Well, at least now we know why Republicans are afraid.  Anyway, did you know that right wing fanatic, white supremacist and sovereign citizen Timothy McVeigh, who was executed for the Oklahoma City bombing actually had nothing to do with it?  Here's the true story:

"All of the Whitewater "evidence" was stored in the Alfred P. Murragh federal building.  It was not right wingers that blew that building up, but the Clintons!  The Murragh building explosion was the deep state's test for 9-11, but it failed to bring down the whole building because of divine intervention.  The Hunter Biden laptop is the key to it all, because if the media are focusing on child pornography on it (of which there was none) that means something far worse was involved- probably bioweapons- and that is the narrative that the entire truth community has subscribed to."

Makes sense to me.  It was the Clintons all along!  Those monsters killed 168 people to cover up the evidence that they a minor real estate deal years before.

"Russia has now been providing evidence to back up their claims.  All countries outside the deep state are supporting Russia."

Evidence.  What can you even say to that?  

"This may be the last big war before the tribunal."

I.e. the apocalypse.  Don't bet on it.  After all, apocalypse predictors have a record of about 0 and 32,000,000.  Chances are, I think, this won't happen either.

"In the new James Bond Movie they want to give everybody a robotic injection where they can selectively kill whoever they want...There are credible sources that saying that (chips from these injections) are broadcasting mac addresses. They can decide who to kill via addressing...they have patents for nanowires that drill into your neurons and then try to wire up with your brain."

A plot point from a James Bond movie now represents truth to them.  How do you even begin to have a rational discussion with people who have abandoned decency and rationality like this?

"China is weaponizing the killing of its own population in order to shut down its exports in order to harm the economies of the United States and other Western nations."

China, which makes many times as much selling its own products as the amount it imports, is going to kill off the goose that is laying this golden egg, to harm Western economies- as if the greatest harm they could ever think of doing was not stealing all of our jobs, something they can't do if they kill their workers to reduce grosses of Western movie companies or something.  

"We are at that point in the Matrix where Neo and Agent Smith jump off the cliff and shoot each other..."

Does the movie end then?  God, I hope so.

"Why Has Trump Never Condemned What Putin Has Done In Ukraine?"

Why do you think, asshole?

"Red Alert Warning: W.H.O. Coup Against U.S. Sovereignty Imminent!! "

The World Health Organization, with no military of any kind, is going to overthrow the US government.  That is highly likely.  And finally, I can't go out without something about that corrupt monster, John Durham:

"Durham Goes Scorched Earth As Mega Round Of New Subpoenas Blows Clinton-Trump Story WIDE OPEN!"

No it doesn't.  No subpoenas have been issued in months, and the only one he did issue is for a "crime" so minor and irrelevant to his grotesque claims as to be laughable.  Still, if you are a right winger, you read stories like this every day, and believe every word of them.  And that is what we are up against.  No reasoning can ever dislodge their diseased brains from the reverse gear into which they have been shifted.  And that is why I resort to ridicule- it's the only thing we have left.


Infidel753 said…
In the image at the top, the snake skull on the right looks like Japan and the pig head on the left looks like Italy, based on the flag patterns on the necks.

The noble Russia and China knights look like they haven't ever missed any heavy meals (ironic given the actual track records of those regimes) and the Chinese one's neck is thicker than his tiny head. My money's on the monster.

NASA shuttle leave Earth to travel a half million miles round trip on a tank of gas

If by "NASA shuttle" he means Apollo 11, that "tank of gas" was 360 feet tall, to get out of the Earth's gravity well and into free-fall. Everything after that was basically coasting. I guess they don't teach physics at the wingnut factory.
Green Eagle said…
Yeah, I guess you are right about Italy and Japan. I just didn't look close enough. Anyway, I welcome Italy and Japan to the Deep State, Now, send some arms to Ukraine.
Anonymous said…
The point of all this is not to convince anyone of the existence of tunnels under Fiji or MAC addressable, injectable suicide micro-machines. The point is to discredit the idea of truth and reason.

When fiction and fact become interchangeable and opinion and expertise have the same value; truth and reason become meaningless.

Green Eagle said…
Anonymous, you are right; a point I have been making for years now. They want their base to make all decisions on the basis of the lowest emotions- greed, hatred- because they know they can generate those emotions at will in the many millions who have fallen prey to their appeals. And let us note that this malignant scheme is working perfectly well for them.

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