The True Trump Shows His Face

 I am going to violate my normal rule of not writing about things that have been thoroughly covered by others.  I am referring here, of course, to the bombshell article by Jeffrey Goldberg in the Atlantic, concerning Donald Trump's contempt for those in the military who sacrificed themselves for the good of the nation.  I am not going to go over the facts of Trump's abominable behavior, in which he showed that messing up his hair meant more to him than the lives of 1800 marines who died for our country.  If you want to know the details, please read the article, which is in my opinion the most important document so far in this electoral season, revealing as it does the real Trump, who is a man degraded beyond any redemption.

At this point, any current or former military member who supports Trump is exactly what he calls those who died for our country: a sucker.  But that is not what I want to say.  To me, this article is really not about the military at all, but about its revealing Trump to be a human monster, a sociopathic narcissist without a concern in the world for anyone but himself.  Trump is in fact a villain like those in action adventure movies or comic books; what most of us always thought were exaggerations turns out to have exact parallels in the real world, and one of them managed to lie and cheat his way into the White House.  This subhuman piece of garbage is a true abomination, like some sort of Lovecraftian creature come to life.  

Of course, the sad thing is that this shocking, loathsome view into Donald Trump's soul will affect almost none of his followers, because they have become as immune to human decency as he is himself.  As is usual for me, I will provide a second part to this story, detailing some of the treatment which these revelations have received in the right wing media.  It is an ugly spectacle, but it hardly changes the fact that this is a monster, devoid of humanity, and filled with a monster's hunger for victims.


Sam240 said…
If the cemetery had been in Bitburg, Trump would have found a way there.
Green Eagle said…
A good point there, Sam. Because the soldiers buried there were very fine people.
Dave Dubya said…
Trump is the red, white, and blue version of Hitler. When the war turned in favor of the allies, the Fuhrer angrily said Germany didn't deserve to have him as leader.

No matter what he does or says, our authoritarian fellow Americans will never blame Trump, only the media and opposition.

If only there was an acronym for our Nationalist American Zealots for Inequality...
curt said…
There is a man who lives alone a mile from where I live on this remote dirt road. He is a true believer in the Republican party and is a Viet Nam war vet. For the past few weeks he's had four Trump signs placed prominently in his yard. When I drove past his house on Saturday morning, the signs had been removed.
Green Eagle said…
I am glad to see things like this, Curt. I hope they really represent some sort of trend. If even a couple of percent of his 2016 voters wake up, he is finished.

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