Wingnut Wrapup

I've got to get rid of a lot of this garbage before I end up on the political version of Hoarders.  Or maybe "My 600 Pound President."  I'm still having trouble posting pictures, for which I hope you will forgive me.

Before it's News:  "Zionist Mafia World Dictatorship Exposed in 1998 By Kay Griggs, Former Marine Colonel’s Wife."

1998.  Hmm, seems like its taken a while for this story to catch fire.  Could it be because it is a pack of hateful, vicious lies? 

"The man who started the OSS (William Donovan) was recruiting German-Jewish existentialists who are now running our nation."

German-Jewish existentialists?  Man, they sure have been a threat over the years.  On the other hand, one of these middle European Jewish existentialists was Franz Kafka, who possibly did have a great deal of influence on the Republican party.  Let's just be clear here: William Donovan recruited a number of actual Nazis to work in our government.  No objection to that in the article. 

"Griggs said murders were often carried out by “flamers” (a mixed-American and Israeli-homosexual kill team), who would go to other countries and blame their crimes on Arabs. Assassins are actually boys that are brought in because they have a certain psychological profile: no money, no father and often no parents. Think Timothy McVeigh."

Yes, of course Timothy McVeigh, a disciple of some of the highest Aryan supremacist leaders in the history of our country, was an Israeli plant.  Conservatives will do anything to deny responsibility for the harm they have caused, no matter how horrible and no matter how clearly they were behind it.

And the dumbest political statement of the month:

Marc A. Thiessen, Washington Post:  "Trump must reach out to black voters. His Tulsa rally is the place to start."

As if he would ever do that.  Why do mainstream publications like the Post and the New York Times publish this sort of disgusting crap?

And talk about not getting it:

Bradlee Dean, Before it's News:  "White, Black We Are All People of Color"

Okay, Bradlee.  You're a person of color- just a very pale color.  Of course, people of your color were never slaves in America.  And let's just move on:

Before it's News:  "Every European government on earth has been hijacked and mutinized by the “SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN” aka “ZIONIST BOLSHEVIK COMMUNIST FAKE JEWS”


They have hired their “CONTRACT KILLER SOROS” to enforce their “KALERGI PLAN” “HERBERT APTHEKERS NEGRO REVOLTS” and “CLOWARD AND PIVEN” in every European nation on earth."

Just the usual hate, but more popular on the right every day.

David Limbaugh, Town Hall:  "The Silent Majority Can Be Silent No More"

Ha.  The silent majority.  What century is this again?  After Tulsa, I think they are talking about the invisible majority.

Julio Rosas, Town Hall:  "Protesters View Rayshard Brooks as Another Victim of Police Brutality in Atlanta"

Let's see...police shot him twice in the back.  But that doesn't make him a victim.  In reality, it was all his own fault.  For being...well, you know.

And now an overview of Conservative commentary on the incipient release of John Bolton's new book, and the revelations of Trump's incompetence, stupidity and criminality contained in it.  I really thought that the wingnut web would be awash in stories about this book, but surprisingly, they are pretty much pretending it didn't happen.  Here are most of the few stories I found:

Bonchie, Red State:  "Cancel the Resistance Coronation, Almost Everyone Still Hates John Bolton"

David P. Goldman, PJ Media:  "John Bolton's Shameful Tantrum"

Jack Davis, The Western Journal:  "Trump returns fire as Bolton book excerpts come out: 'He broke the law'

Please note that, nowhere in the above, was there any discussion of the contents of Bolton's accusations; the entire conservative coverage was devoted to smearing Bolton.  Not that he doesn't deserve to be smeared, but so far this is a sterling example of hiding from the obvious.

Matt Margolis, PJ Media:  "Trump Campaign Launches Brilliant Website Documenting Joe Biden's Cognitive Decline"

Anyone who has watched Biden speak in the last couple of months knows this story is a total smear, but Republicans are telling it over and over again.  Why?  Because the whole world can see that there is something wrong with Donald Trumps mind, so they'd better tell the same story about his opponent.  By the way, the only thing "brilliant" about this website is the scope of its lying.  That's what Republicans take for brilliance these days.  Remember Karl Rove?

Strephen Cruiser, PJ Media:  " Polls Are Getting Worse for Trump, Which Probably Means He Wins in a Landslide"

Yup, that's what they claim.  Put a pot of water on the stove, and in a few minutes it will freeze.  Here's another sample of that kind of thinking:

Michael E. Hammond, American Thinker:  "The Polls Put Democrats in a Trap of Their Own Making...The polls show President Trump losing big to Joe Biden in November. That's actually good news for Trump."

Losing big is good news.  Up is down, green is orange, la la la, don't bore me with facts.

J. Christian Davis, PJ Media:  "Liberal Opinions from Conservative Supreme Court Justices: What Went Wrong?"

Unfortunately, Republicans did not succeed over the last four decades in completely stamping out human decency on the Supreme Court.  They tried, though; you've got to give them that.

World Net Daily:  "Trump administration condemned China's Muslim concentration camps a year before Bolton says Trump approved them"

Yet we know he told the Chinese that he was fine with them.  Of course, the guys at World Net Daily claim his public statement a year before, proves that he was against the concentration camps; what it really proves (as if we didn't know this already) is that you can't trust a thing Trump says in public.

And what would a Wingnut Wrapup be these days without a little Fauci-bashing?

Thomas Lifson, American Thinker:  "It's been a long way down for Anthony Fauci, M.D. — from virtual dictator of a nation under virtual house arrest to laughingstock caught lying and blaming the public for his fall."

From virtual dictator to laughingstock caught lying.  Hmm, remind you of anybody else you hear about these days?

Anders Hagstrom, Daily Caller:  "Here’s How Cops Are Responding To Calls To ‘Defund The Police’

Who fucking cares?  Stop acting like animals, or quit.

Breitbart:  "Report: Hong Kong Police Abused ‘Mentally Incapacitated’ Protester"

They did not, however, choke him to death or shoot him in the back.

Newsmax:  "Trump Rally Gives Scientists a New Virus Laboratory"

Hey, another wonderful benefit from Trump's brilliant scientific mind:  Let's expose 19,000 people to a deadly virus, let them go all over the country and see what happens.

"Trump himself will be at lower risk of infection."

Well, duh.  You can't expect the bunker baby to actually risk himself, can you?

Elizabeth Vaughn, Red State:  "Democrats’ Tactics Come Straight Out of an Insurgents’ Playbook; They’re Baiting Trump to Force a Major Blunder"

You know, he doesn't really have to take the bait.  Notice that enraging this out of control five year old is strictly impermissable.  In fact, the only Democratic strategy that people like Elizabeth accept is abject surrender.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "MUST SEE: This Ain’t Your Typical Liberal Hellhole — Trump Supporters Cheer National Guard as They March into Tulsa to Keep the Peace"

Not a liberal hellhole like Southern California or Manhattan, no.  Tulsa, Oklahoma, the paradise that everyone imagines living in.  Everyone stupid enough to vote for Trump.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Black Lives Matter Mob Rips Down Two Confederate Statues in Raleigh, Drag Statue Through the Street, Hang One from a Street Pole — People Next?"

Of course, left wingers are going to move from hanging statues to people any day now.  Not noted by Jim: in the last three weeks or so, five black men have been found hanging from trees on city property around the country.  The police in every case declare them to be suicides.

Rev. Mark H. Creech, Renew America:  "Father's Day: One of the holiest days of the year"

A chance for businesses to make money from an invented holiday.  Making money- the holiest thing in America.

World Net Daily:  "Trump doubter now says prez governs like 'constitutional conservative'

That would be Berkeley law professor John Yoo.  Yes, that would be the same John Yoo who wrote the Bush Administration legal opinion declaring that torture was Constitutional.  Keep that in mind when deciding how much credibility he deserves now.

Mercedes Schlapp, Trump advisor:  “There were people and families that couldn’t bring their children because of concerns of the protesters.”

Or maybe because they were afraid of infecting them with a deadly virus in order to worship their demigod.

Branson Stocking, Town Hall:  "Millions Watch Trump Campaign Kickoff Rally in Tulsa...President Trump kicked off his re-election campaign on Saturday with a packed arena in Tulsa, Oklahoma."
More lies.  They are shameless.
"Following the rally, the Trump campaign announced that over 4 million people tuned in for the rally across all of the campaign's digital media channels...These numbers represent unmatched enthusiasm behind the President's re-election and a massive audience That Joe Biden can only dream of," said Tim Murtaugh, Trump 2020 communications director."

"The Trump Campaign  announced..."  Well, that should be proof that it is true.

"The president and vice president had planned to deliver additional remarks to supporters who gathered outside the arena, but left-wing rioters forced the campaign to scrap outdoor speeches."

Left wing rioters? No, nobody bothered to show up outside. 

Mark Levin:  "No wonder the media don’t want the president to speak at rallies.  He’s truly dynamic and compelling.  A 2 1/2 hour captivating speech."

He was as boring as fuck, Mark. 

Dan Bongino:  "It’s Sunday June 21st, 2020, and Barack Obama was the most corrupt President in US history."

Right, asshole.

Ryan Fournier:  "Barack Obama was the worst President in American history."

I guess they are going to bang away on that malicious lie.

Jeff Sessions:  "President @realDonaldTrump displayed tonight his incredible drive, understanding of the history and principles that made America great. Masterful! Unleashed! Winning message!!   cannot match this. Game on!"

He drank a small glass of water with one hand!

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "RALLY RECAP: MASSIVE TRUMP CROWDS Inside and Outside Tulsa BOK Center...THOUSANDS were inside the BOK Center despite Black Lives Matter goons blocking the entrance.  And THOUSANDS more were outside the arena."

1.  There were not  " MASSIVE TRUMP CROWDS" there, unless you regard a prediction of 80,000 and a turnout of 6200 is your idea of a gigantic success.  P.S.- there was basically nobody outside the arena.

2.  There were no Black Lives Matter "goons" of any kind there; on the other hand, there were a bunch of right wing jackasses strutting around with assault rifles.

"They want to condemn President Trump for holding such a large rally during the coronavirus pandemic.  They also want to lie to Americans that it was a failure and no one showed up.

It must be very difficult being the fake news media these days."

You tell us, Jim.  You seem to be having no trouble at all thinking up new lies every day.

Scott Morefield, Town Hall:  "...statues and monuments are simply there to acknowledge that, right or wrong, the person being remembered did something impressive, something noteworthy, something that history ...Take the Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest"

That would be Confederate traitor and founder of the KKK, Nathaniel Bedford Forrest, Scott.  And can I just point out that your line of reasoning would be a perfect excuse to erect statues of Adolf Hitler and Joe Stalin all over America.

Larry O'Connor, Town Hall:  "Time to Tear Hillary Clinton's Name from State Department Pavilion"

They just can't give her a rest.  Larry explains:

"In the final days of the Obama Administration, Clinton's name was slapped up on the walls of the just-finished U.S. Diplomacy Center at Foggy Bottom. The Hillary Rodham Clinton Pavilion was an obvious slap in the face of the incoming administration."

It was "slapped" on the building.  And obviously to insult Donald Trump, because that is what everything is about. 

Derek Hunter, Town Hall:  "Obeying The Law Is For Suckers"

Stunningly, this article is not about Donald Trump and William Barr.

Mark A. Morgan, Town Hall:  "200 Miles of Border Wall and Counting"

Well, just one more Trump lie, but at the rate of 200 miles in four years, the 2200 mile border will be totally walled in by the year 2060.  Great work there, Donny, the World's Greatest Builder.  And general.  And scientist. And doctor. And...well you get the point.

Elizabeth Vaughn, Red State:  "New Coronavirus Cases Have Reached Record Highs in 12 States; Here’s Why It Doesn’t Matter...“So what,” says the Issues & Insights editorial board."

Hey, who cares about a couple hundred thousand more needless deaths, if it gets Trump re-elected?  For your information, "Issues and Insights" is of course one more right wing propaganda site.

Victoria Taft, PJ Media:  "Seattle's Clueless Mayor Blames Everyone Else but Her For Problems"

Boy, I can't think of a Republican politician that routinely blames everyone else for his problems, can you?


Isaac said… much scotch is required to read through all that bullshit?
How much scotch does it take to write so much utter bullshit?

Anybody who can still support Trump is in need of serious psychiatric intervention.
Green Eagle said…
I am not sure, but I handle it with Lagavulin, which I try to ration in a reasonable way. Seems to work for me.
seafury said…
Ron Swanson would approve
Victor said…
Does all of this also (stiil) help John McCain?*

I mean, he's only been dead a couple of years.

*For you yunguns, all of this, "These bad poll numbers are great for (Fill in GOP Candidate:_________________________) is a long-running joke since at least Obama v. McCain in 2008.

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