A Note on Trump's Bolton Lawsuit

So, of course, Donald Trump is filing a lawsuit to prevent the publication of John Bolton's book about his time in the White House.  The lawsuit is the usual Trump belligerent crap, totally distorting the existing law and containing tons of non-lawyerly insults thrown it.  So, the reaction to Trump's move is pretty much in line with this headline at the Washington Post today:

"Why Trump’s lawsuit against John Bolton will fail"

The article cites, quite correctly, a number of reasons why this lawsuit is totally without merit.  However, the headline is dead wrong.  Trump's lawsuit is almost guaranteed to succeed.  It's just that the author of this article doesn't understand what "success" is.  In this case, all it means is seeing to it that the book is not published before the election.  And given the glacial pace of the Federal judiciary, aided by a bit of strategic stalling by Republican judges, that should be one of the easiest feats in the world to accomplish.

Just to be clear, I think John Bolton is one of the most contemptible people on earth.  I thought that long before he refused to testify in Trump's impeachment trial, putting the welfare of the country behind the welfare of his own wallet.  Not that it was likely to change the vote of any corrupt Republicans, but at least Bolton would have done his duty to the country.  No chance of that, of course, so taking Bolton's side against Trump is a little like siding with Mussolini over Hitler, but still, doing the right thing is always better than doing the wrong thing.  If you are a decent human being, of course, which leaves both Bolton and Trump out.


Now Am Found! said…
bolton? i lost all respect for him under reagan. he's a war monger all he has ever wanted is war with iran
Green Eagle said…
Well, except for war with a few other countries. The guy is a scum.

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