Wingnut Wrapup

I want to take a moment to explain why I have been citing stories at Before it's News, which is basically an aggregator of right wing videos.  As I have mentioned, I have been following political crazies for half a century now.  And here is something that I have noticed, but never talked about before:  Practically every right wing conspiracy theory has existed in some form or another as long as I have been paying attention. But for the first thirty years or so, it took years or decades for them to gain enough legitimacy in the supposedly serious Conservative world to emerge into the light of day.  Over the last few years, that lag time has been drastically reduced, so that the most ludicrous, ugly lies make their way into the "mainstream" right wing media, or even into the mouth of the President of the United States, often within a couple of weeks.  I largely ignored the really lunatic sites at Wingnut Wrapup for a while because, well, it's enough to drive anyone crazy, but I do not think I can afford to do so any more.  Like Hydroxychloroquine, yesterday's crazy babbling is today's Presidential policy.

Before it's News:  "FEMA Preps 9.0 Magnitude Earthquake Along the Cascadia Subduction Zone -13,000 Deaths in Wake of Pacific Megaquake...Hollywood has “brainwashed” people into thinking that California is where the next massive earthquake will hit."

No explanation of what Hollywood stands to gain from brainwashing people into thinking that the next big earthquake will happen in California.  I guess they do it just because they love evil.

Bradlee Dean:  "Trump DOJ Won't Investigate Obama & Biden - Will The US Ever See Justice Against Criminal Politicians?"

We hope so, when the Biden administration starts investigating Trump.

Before it's News:  "most of our drinking water today is dead"

I never really understood that water could be alive, unless you mean full of bacteria and protozoans, like the water Republicans supplied to Flint, Michigan.  After seeing that, dead doesn't seem so bad.

David Zublick, Truth Unleashed:  "Fauci Indicted, Faces Military Tribunal To Answer For Crimes Against America... And The Real Headlines!!

Because of course Fauci deserves being sent to prison.  And his indictment is now on Trump's desk, along with the 165,000 other sealed indictments that Trump is going to serve any day now.  Fauci...
 Boy, I bet you got a laugh out of that one.

Before It's News:  "Does Donald Trump Know Something More About Hydroxychloroquine Than Gates, Fauci and Big Pharma (Combined) Do?"

Oh, sure he does.  He knows more about war than the generals, more about business than anyone on earth (despite having gone bankrupt six times,) more about space than the scientists, and it goes without saying that he knows more about medicine than the doctors.

Before it's News:  "There's A Storm Brewing Called the Noahide Laws Drummed Through Congress By the Jew Traitor George HW Bush! Barack Obama, Another Jew, Promised That He Will Be Back But Not Wearing A Suit. Is Obama Going to Grow Breasts Like His Sex Partner Michael Did?"

Okay then, deranged hate is what the Republicans are going with.  And this is the first time I have heard that Obama is a Jew.  I thought he was a Muslim terrorist.  Maybe he switches religions on alternate days.

AMG News:  "FEMA Ordered 102,000 Boxcars With Shackles and Guillotines – Why Are Modern Guillotines On Military Bases Throughout North America?  FEMA has three-layer boxcars for transporting shackled prisoners to the more than 800 empty and guarded concentration camps across the USA, with 20,000 new prisoner boxcars and 40-foot railroad containers arriving in Oregon from China for our forests for planned martial law in time for military exercises for martial law...(unnamed informants) They described boxcars, in this case painted black, with shackles welded into them and a modern guillotine at the head of each boxcar inside."

Boy, it's been years since I have heard much about the boxcars and guillotines.

"Recently, a former high level satanist from the mountains of North Carolina, now a Christian and receiving discipleship, admitted that boxcars with shackles were indeed in the mountains of NC and waiting for the hour of martial law."

Because of course FEMA is in league with the Satanists. And there is nobody that right wingers would believe more than a self-declared Satanist.

Larry O'Connor, Town Hall:  "Obama's Legacy of Deceit...Frankly, at this point, I am less concerned in trying to win a criminal conviction from a DC jury made up of 91 percent Obama voters than I am in having the truth of Obama's deceit come to light and in having his presidency forever branded as the cancer on American exceptionalism that it truly was."

A presidency with absolutely no scandals, except for ones generated by Republican lies.

Eric A. Blair, Gateway Pundit:  "New Book Claims Bill Clinton Had Affair With Epstein Pedophile Recruiter Ghislaine Maxwell"

A book written by  Alana Goodman and Daniel Halper.  Alana Goodman works for the Washington Free Beacon.  Halper used to work for the Weekly Standard before it collapsed, and now writes for the Washington Examiner.  All three of those organizations are nothing but right wing propaganda factories.  Another example of right wing experts speaking out.

Derek Hunter, Town Hall:  "Liberals Would Rather People Die Than Have Hydroxychloroquine Work"

Conservatives would rather have hundreds of thousands die than have Trump lose the election.  And by the way, Liberals would have been thrilled if Hydroxychloroquine had worked. It just didn't.

Matt Vespa, Town Hall:  "Liberal Law Professor Calls Out Judge in Michael Flynn Case: This Could Devolve into Mob Rule"

That would be "liberal" law professor Jonathan Turley, who you may remember being always available to spout out any Trump-favoring talking points, no matter how absurd, including demonizing the impeachment of Trump at every opportunity, having formerly been a huge supporter of the impeachment of Bill Clinton, because a blow job is far worse than treason.

Vanguard News Network:  "Why doesn’t Superman tackle a real problem: violent negroes murdering, robbing and raping White people every day in America? That’s a genuine problem. (Trivia: superheroes, and the comic book industry, were created by Jews)."
Violent negroes. Like the violent negro who forcibly put his neck under the knee of an innocent white police officer. I guess the answer to that very pertinent question can be found by observing the fact that Jews wrote comic books back in the day.  Comic books with subversive messages designed to inflame the lesser races, like this:

Or this:
Obviously, Jewish propaganda glorifying evil.
Katie Pavlich, Town Hall:  "Obama Had Plans to Stop Flynn"

Obama had "plans" to stop an illegally unregistered agent of a foreign country from becoming Trump's national security advisor.  Boy, that's a real crime.

"Obama knew Flynn had intentions to reverse years of bad and dangerous foreign policy doctrine."

Bullshit.  What Obama knew was that it was fine with Flynn to betray our country from the very top ranks of the executive branch.  I guess what Obama didn't know is that that was fine with Trump too.

Larry O'Connor, Town Hall:  "CNN Was Used to Spread Lies And They're Just Fine with That"

Town Hall readers will seethe with outrage over this story, whose details are almost unintelligible.  Town Hall, on the other hand, as I have documented a thousand times here at Wingnut Wrapup, is doing God's work by spreading lies.

"CNN and the reporters on this story are perfectly fine with their network being used to broadcast false information for political or criminal purposes."

No word, of course, about Fox News, or the very website that this article appears on, doing the exact same thing every day, multiple times.  Lying for Republicans is fine.

Chris Stigall, Town Hall:  "Masks Aren’t Meant For Presidents"

Particularly for tough he-men like Donald Trump, amirite?

"But for critics of President Trump, it’s about surrender. Nothing would bring global media more pleasure than to see the guy who displayed military hardware on the Fourth of July and massive crowds at MAGA rallies now sheepishly cowering alone behind a mask.  That’s their trophy. The larger-than-life, hard-charging, America first brawler reduced to wearing a mask because a foreign virus outmatched him. It would run in campaign ads through November. Old footage of a confident Trump optimistically telling the country we’ll defeat the virus slapped together with current footage of him behind a mask.

Thankfully, we have a president who knows the business of show better than the partisan hacks that cover him."

"The business of show." Too bad he doesn't know a damned thing about the business of government.

Ellie Bufkin, Town Hall:  "Trump's New Order to Squash Regulations Will Make Us All More Free"

Oh, sure it will.  Free from safe water and air, free from safe products, free from affordable health care, and, I am sure, free from elections that could be won by Democrats. Whooppee, Freedom!

And now for a little more Conservative humor, to brighten your day:
See, Marx and Castro were Democrats.  I bet you never knew that.

Bronson Stocking, Town Hall:  "Mueller's Top Deputy Now Fundraising and Stumping for Joe Biden"

Well, at least no one can say that Mueller's top deputy doesn't know what was actually in the Mueller report.  If I were you, Bronson, I'd think a little before publicizing this story.

Nick Arama, Red State:  "CNN Stalks Trump to the Golf Course"

This used to be called "reporting the news."  Now, it's part of the deep state.

Justus Knight, Before it's News:  "Deep State Bombshell...They Got Him! His Name Wasn't Masked! ObamaGate Scandal Blows Wide Open!  NEW DISCOVERY!  Flynn was never masked!  RussiaGate has NOTHING TO DO with Russia…it was a mere distraction, a grand illusion to cover for the grandest treason in American history. Flynn is the key to what Obama and his mob of maniacs have worked so hard to cover up."

See, the whole Obamagate thing was about Obama "unmasking" Flynn.  But now it turns out that Flynn's identity was never kept a secret at all, so there was no unmasking- the exact opposite of what they have been screaming for months.  Which just proves that Obamagate is real.  Still think you can reason with these people?

Before it's News:  "Planned Genocide of the White Race and the White Nations by Satan and His Followers - Informative Videos"

This post links to a video entitled "White Genocide- Extermination through Mongrelization."  I don't think you need too much imagination to guess what that video is about.  The following comment is also included:

"The White Europeans, Britain, the Commonwealth and Americans are the 13 tribes of Israel. Not the Jews. That is why Satan wants to genocide the white race. Satan’s children know who the white race is. This is why they flooded all the white nations with non-white people.  The Holy Scriptures tell us not to race mix and to remain a pure white race and not to corrupt our DNA with the COVID-19 tests and COVID-19 vaccines."

I must say that Christian Identity, one of the most loathsome and violent of all right wing cults, seemed to have disappeared in recent years, but I guess not.  Here it is again, and I will be watching this very closely, because of the history of murderous acts committed by them.  James Wickstrom, the man in this video, who has been dead for a couple of years, was a major figure in the Christian Identity movement, and is regarded as one of the founders of the terrorist Posse Comitatus groups of the eighties and nineties.

Eric A. Blair, Gateway Pundit:  "TRUMP: Biden ‘Doesn’t Know He’s Alive’"

Aren't you proud of our President, and the way he conducts himself?

"...he doesn’t really have experience because I don’t think he remembers what he did yesterday,” Trump said. “So how is that experience?"
After 18,000 lies, we have good reason to wonder if Trump remembers what he said five minutes ago.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Why Is This Woman Not in Prison? Dr. Birx Says She’s Less Confident than Trump that US Won’t Close Again in Second Wave Hits"

Deborah Birx has spent the last few weeks kissing Trump's behind.  Now she says one thing that is slightly different than what he says, and they want her in prison.

Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "“Jeff Benedict Arnold Sessions” Was Historic US Traitor – ‘Stealth Jeff’ Should Drop From the Alabama Senate Race Now"

He destroyed himself for Trump, and now he is a traitor.  More agitating for imprisoning people who say anything against Trump, from Joe Hoft.  And don't even try to tell me that Republicans don't know what kind of government does that sort of thing.  So, here we are, with only a mangled tissue of laws between us and a man who is fully capable of Hitlerian behavior.

Paul Cameron, Renew America:  "Gays spread HIV – repeat for Covid-19?  How many gays were ‘the first’ of a given category to die? Right now it’s not being reported, but probably many. Not only are gays more apt to deliberately infect, but they are more willing to ‘risk things, and defy authority... Everyone is endangered by them if they get infected."

Well, we could have guessed that this was coming, despite it being without a shred of evidence.  But why let a chance to show your hatred slip by?  Particularly when we are seeing examples of Evangelical Christians, who Renew America is aimed at, spreading Covid-19 every day, without giving a damn.  Talk about more apt to deliberately infect and more willing to ‘risk things, and defy authority.'

Cliff Kincaid, Renew America:  "Republicans don’t dare call it treason"

Oh yeah? They call it treason every single day.

"As more evidence emerges of the role played by former President Barack Hussein Obama in directing Russia-gate, President Donald J. Trump’s “allies” are leaving the field of battle. They seem not to want to hold Barack Hussein Obama responsible for what President Trump calls the  “biggest political crime in American history, by far!”  

What Donald Trump calls the “biggest political crime in American history, by far!”  Well, forgive me for being so wrong.  If Trump says it, that is all the proof we need, right? Start up the prosecutions!  Cliff continues with a detailed and completely unconstitutional explanation of what he considers treason, which is mainly opposing anything a Republican does, but I won't bore you with the details.  I will treat you to this excerpt:

" As we argued in one of our Obama books, Comrade Obama Unmasked: Marxist Mole in the White House, “The smoking gun evidence of Barack Hussein Obama's deep personal relationship with suspected Soviet espionage agent and Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis is the real Russia-gate scandal.”

"suspected Soviet espionage agent and Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis,"  who Obama knew as a child.  Even Cliff, unrepentant liar that he is, cannot bring himself to say that, in the last twelve years of endless abuse of Obama, anyone managed to find a shred of evidence that this is true.  So, "suspected."  By whom?  By the same people that think Hillary Clinton eats babies.

And now the good news.  Not much of it, but here it is:

Michael Austin, World Net Daily:  "Conservative nonprofit PragerU accused of 'false information,' gets throttled by Facebook"

The horror!  Dennis Prager accused of spreading false information?  Readers of Wingnut Wrapup may remember my referring to Dennis Prager as the most intellectually dishonest person I have encountered in half a century of following the right.  False information?  Dennis?  And what is this about?

"The PragerU video in question, posted on the PragerU Facebook page on Saturday, addressed allegations that climate change is hurting the polar bear population."

Polar bears.  Anyway, let me get to my point.  This "Prager University" post was based on claims made by "Polar bear expert and zoologist Dr. Susan Crockford."  And who is Polar bear expert and zoologist Dr. Susan Crockford?  Here's a little from DeSmog blog about her:

"Susan Crockford runs the website “Polar Bear Science” where she describes herself as a “zoologist with more than 35 years experience...Crockford, who has also said that “‘polar bear expert’ describes me just as well as ‘dog evolution expert,’” has not published in any peer-reviewed journals on polar bears.  Crockford has claimed her Global Warming Policy Foundation reports are peer reviewed. However, an undercover Greenpeace investigation cast doubt on the validity of the GWPF's internal review process, noting that only the group's internal advisory council generally reviewed documents, rather than the genuine, rigorous and often anonymized peer review of a traditional scientific journal." 

The Global Warming Policy Foundation is an anti-global warming propaganda factory. They refuse to reveal where they get their funding, but it is known that Susan Crockford has received a monthly stipend from the Heartland Institute, one of the largest climate denial propaganda factories on earth, which receives millions of dollars in funding from the coal baron Mercer family and the Koch brothers.

Ian Stirling, who has spent more than four decades studying polar bears and publishing over 150 papers and five books on the topic, says Crockford has “zero” authority on the subject.  

“If you tell a lie big enough, often enough, people will begin to believe it,” said Ian Stirling. “The denier websites have been using her and building her up as an expert.” 

In other words, an absolutely typical conservative "expert."

And of course,

Daily Beast:  "FBI Recovers 30 Hillary Clinton Emails Involving Benghazi"

Because lies never die.  The Daily Beast continues:

"The State Department said Tuesday that 30 emails possibly related to 2012 Benghazi attack were recovered during the FBI’s recent investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server. According to the AP, State will take until at least the end of September to review the emails not previously disclosed by Clinton and redact any classifed information before publicly releasing the notes."

Oh, they MAY be related to Benghazi.  Of course, they may be related to the murder of Leon Trotsky for all we know, but they may be related to Benghazi.  And, surprise, surprise, the State Department will take from now until September to study these thirty e-mails, at a rate of about three days each, before releasing them in the height of a Presidential election.  Hey, James Comey's lying smears about Hillary's e-mails cost her the election last time around, maybe they can make it work against Biden this time.

Len Kasten, Before it's News:  "Did the Nazis Really Lose WW2?"

Yes, Leo, they did, but carry on:

"Antarctica Secrets, Slaves on Mars? Gates & Epstein Connection...As Len Kasten reveals in startling detail, the Nazis formed an alliance with the race of aliens known as the Reptilians. After World War II, they infiltrated the U.S. military-industrial complex and launched a Secret Space Program with interstellar spaceports in Antarctica and on Mars."

Just imagine what it would cost to maintain a slave on Mars.  Hardly seems like a good strategy, economically speaking. And with that, enough.  More than enough.  But it will just keep coming.


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