Lunacy or Lying?

Will we ever know?

Donald Trump, yesterday:

 "When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn't do any testing we would have very few cases."

Cases that we are not allowed to hear about do not even exist.

Can Trump and his sycophants really have degenerated into such magical thinking as to believe that if you don't look at the numbers, the cases aren't there?

I sort of hate to quote Max Boot, but he has this to say:

"This is akin to FDR saying that if no one reported the attack on Pearl Harbor, it wouldn’t have happened."

Lunacy.  Or are we seeing the next step in the Republicans' answer to the coronavirus epidemic?

All along, Trump has essentially done nothing to really address the crisis.  All he has done is to try to make people think that it is not really a major issue.  As is his normal behavior, he has lied about it from day one, and this is likely to be the next step in his barrage of lies.

We have already seen signs that Trump intends to drastically mangle the way that covid deaths are calculated, to reduce the numbers to whatever he thinks the American people will accept.  He has suggested this in public several times now, and you can be sure that he is resorting to his usual bullying behind the scenes to make it happen.  This is liable, I am afraid, to be the Trump administration's prime response to the pandemic between now and the election:  lie about the facts in order to sucker people into believing it is under control.  And a major part of this, I am afraid, is convincing people that the epidemic has caused far less damage than it really has.  Get ready for this, because it is in line with his approach to everything: lie about it and then beat people into agreeing with his lies.


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