Wingnut Wrapup

"the crazily laughable idea of a civil war has become a carefully plotted reality in the making for the people who believe it...These people are ready for widespread violence and mayhem and are only waiting for the spark." 

- Dave Niewert, today in an excellent article from this expert on the subject, at Daily Kos.

This is a bit of a random collection today, because the right is being led by Trump further and further into a mental fog in which anything that attacks liberals, or black people or Jews, has to be true.  One thing you will not find here: the literally hundreds of attacks on Joe Biden about what I think we can safely say at this point are manufactured rape charges, with no more reality than Benghazi or Hillary's e-mails.  I actually think the nation dodged a bullet on that one; I suspect the Republicans were preparing this smear to be a centerpiece of their 2020 election campaign, but Trump shot it out there early because he panicked about his ratings. Anyway, on with this collection of garbage.  some of it is such patent junk from such idiotic sources that I can't even be bothered to note where it came from:

"Jim Fetzer, Before it's News:  Bill Gates Is a Traitor to America, Is Melinda Gates Really a Man?"

Well, when you have nothing else to throw at him, why not accuse Bill Gates of being gay?  I mean, that is a tried and true Republican strategy, and often very successful with their base.

"Our duly elected, genius and handsome POTUS is winning for Every one of us, no matter race or creed. Dream come true or Prayers Answered. TRUMP2020  CDC–Center for Disease Concocting!"

Man, that was tough to read, huh?  With deaths now predicted to rise to 3,000 a day, that is a strange definition of winning.  Well, he did say we would get sick of so much winning.  I guess that, when he said "sick," very few people realized that he meant literally sick.

"Study Proves That Coronavirus Vaccine Would Never Work; Might Actually Create MORE New Viruses"

Who knows, it might raise the Creature from the Black Lagoon out of the swamp, too.

Brandon Beach, Town Hall:  "President Trump Will Repeat Eisenhower’s Miracle...he will be the Eisenhower of our generation. We need his bold leadership on this issue...and the man to lead on this important opportunity is our commander and chief."

Eisenhower's miracle?  What, he's going to win World War II?  Brandon does not seem to be aware that the "economic miracle" of the post World War II era was nothing but a recovery from the devastation of two world wars and a depression.  Here's a little chart from the ever-valuable Thomas Pikkety:

Note: I added the red line to emphasize the fact that the economic progress of the fifties and sixties did not even result in full recovery from the previous disastrous era.  It then flattened out to exactly the growth rate from before 1914.  And that was under the Presidency of Dwight Eisenhower, a proven leader and a sane man; Trump being neither.

Leah Barkoukis, Town Hall:  "Doctors, Nurses in Some Countries Are Being Attacked Over Wuhan Coronavirus Fears"

What, you mean like this?

It hasn't come to open violence yet in our country, but just give it a little more time.
Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Here's a question. Why does Seoul, South Korea (a city more populated than NYC, with nearly double the population density) have 2 covid deaths, while NYC has 14,000?  And "social distancing" and "testing" are unacceptable horseshit answers."
The truth is horseshit.  Good analysis there, Joe.
Judie Brown, Renew America:  "Teach children that sex is sacred, not just a bodily function"
Sorry, Judie.  They are going to forget your lecture as soon as they have taken the lab course.
Cortney O'Brien, Town Hall:  "At the White House on Friday, Trump suggested he was being "sarcastic" when he talked about disinfectant to see how the room full of reporters would react."
Yeah, sure.  We all have seen the video now, probably multiple times.  He was dead serious, just deranged.  But this seems to be the agreed upon lie to cover up this abomination.  I went to the comments on this article, expecting to find some real specimens of lunacy from Trump suckers.  Boy was I surprised:  even at Town Hall there were many comments ridiculing Trump and this claim.  Maybe he can push things too far, at least for a few of his followers.
Brad Slager, Town Hall:  "Everything is Stupid – Media Insisting the President Proposed People Should Inject Caustic Cleaners Display Media Distemper"
And another appeal to the 60 million people who voted for Trump to go on destroying themselves and the country.
Tyler O'Neil, PJ Media:  "Fake News: Trump Didn't Tell People to Inject Bleach or Lysol Into Their Veins to Fight Coronavirus"
No, he suggested injecting it into their lungs.  Just one more example of fake news lying about Trump, I guess.
Cristina Laila, Gateway Pundit:  "Pelosi Spreads Dangerous Misinformation Amid Coronavirus Pandemic: “The President is Asking People to Inject Lysol Into Their Lungs”
Sorry, Christina, it was Trump who spread that dangerous information, as you well know.  Deal with it already- he is a vicious lunatic.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "DEAR PRESIDENT TRUMP – TIME TO REBOOT — Fauci, Birx, IHME Were WRONG, Prevented Herd Immunity and RUINED THE ECONOMY"
Another stupid right wing asshole, who knows every bit as much about medicine as Trump, and far more than Dr. Fauci.  And let's note that in the United States, "herd immunity" translates as a couple of million dead people so Trump can get the stock market going up again.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "THOUSANDS Turn out in Madison, Wisconsin, to Protest Democrat Governor Evers’ Continued Lockdown Orders"
By voluntarily removing themselves from the gene pool.
Cliff Kincaid, Renew America:  "Living and dying in Bill Gates' fish bowl"
Dying? From taking fish bowl cleaner?
IAMTV:  "Alan Keyes interviews Mike Adams and biophysicist Andreas Kalcker about the benefits of hydroxychloroquine"
That will be a helpful interview.  The deeply lunatic Alan Keyes interviews Mike Adams, who is described as follows:  "He is anti-vaccination, anti-GMO, anti-medicine," and Andreas Kalcker, who is the one of the most hateful sellers of quack medicine in the country.  He is an anti-vaxxer of the worst variety, who has made a living conning people into administrating "MMS," i.e. industrial bleach into their children's rear ends as a treatment for autism.  Now they see a chance to make money off of a whole new bunch of ignorant suckers.  Here are a couple of pieces from the brilliant Orac about these two people, if you really want to see more..

Leah Barkoukis, Town Hall:  "Trump Puts WaPo Reporter In His Place: 'I’m the President and You’re Fake News'
Yeah, what a great comeback.  You're the President, and you also have the blood of untold thousands of Americans on your hands.  Good for you.
"Dr. Fauci’s 11 Deadly Mistakes and Contradictions — Including His Worst Mistake of Delaying Herd Immunity While Destroying US Economy"
Written by someone identified only as "Billy."  I am sure that Billy is a world class epidemiologist, and would not say this unless he has absolute proof that it is true, given the stakes involved.
Brian C, Joondeph, MD, American Thinker:  "Attorney General William Barr  noticed and, “Claimed that the Washington press corps is on a ‘jihad’ against President Trump over his promotion of an anti-malaria drug to treat the novel coronavirus.”
A "Jihad" against an ignorant suggestion from a brain damaged man that threatens to kill people.  From noted public health expert (and always truthful man) William Barr.
Sylvia Thompson, American Thinker:  "What if Cultural Behavior Influences Coronavirus Susceptibility?"
Oh, it does, Sylvia, but not in the way you describe in your racist screed.  It is this sort of "cultural behavior" that is going to get people killed:

Mark S. Strecker, American Thinker:  "In a National Emergency, Does the Constitution Still Apply?"
Only if it sides with Republicans.
Andrew Anglin, Daily Stormer:  "Holy Heck: Navy Wants Whining Faggot Who Went Hysterical Reinstated as Ship Captain"
Whining faggot.  What a clever way for someone who never served in the military to describe a man who rose to the command of one of the Navy's largest ships.  Here's another quote from Andrew Anglin, in case you still are not sure what kind of person he is:

“Jews, Blacks and lesbians will be leaving America if Trump gets elected—and he’s happy about it. This alone is enough reason to put your entire heart and soul into supporting this man.”
It's enough reason for a certain sort of people to support Trump, I guess.

Before It's News:  "The Spiritual Truth About Mickey Mouse, the Magic Kingdom & Avicii!"

This is a video that is two hours and thirty eight minutes long.  To find out the "truth" about Mickey Mouse.  No, I did not watch it.  The link, however, is helpfully illustrated by the following photo:

Because the first thing Disney would want to do is advertise their horrible secret plot to the world.

Ashtar Sharon, Before It's News:  "Dr Faucci has gone into hiding now that his connection between Covid 19 and Bill Gates has been made public. What prompted his disappearance was the release of the Wikileaks papers which will implicate him to the public and expose his diabolical plot to innoculate all humans with controlling technology. The cabal are well aware that the public sentiment towards them will change, and they fear it."
Dr. Fauci has "gone into hiding" because Donald Trump is desperately afraid that Fauci is going to finally start telling the truth about what a deranged lunatic Trump is.
Marc Theissen, Washington Post:  "Trump can blame the pandemic preparedness failure on Biden and rightly so"
Congratulations, Washington Post, for making it into Wingnut Wrapup.
Before it's News:  "US Military Insider on Whether Coronavirus Points to Arrival of the 4 Horsemen of Revelations"
Oh God, how could anyone be so stupid as to believe nonsense like this?
Before it's News:  Another NYC Nurse Whistleblower: Patients Not Dying From Coronavirus, but Are Being “Murdered” by “Gross Negligence and Complete Medical Mismanagement...But nothing will be done in this Democrat-controlled city. The Democrats need a higher death rate to justify the continued lockdowns. We are under attack by the enemy within.”
Well, if what the Democrats need is a higher death rate, it looks like they are about to get it.  Happy now, anonymous writer of this lie?
Before it's News:  "COVID-19 only kills people who were flu vaccinated.  Cellular and molecular biologist Judy Mikovits, Ph.D. believes COVID-19 — the disease — is not caused by SARS-CoV-2 alone, but rather that it’s the result of a combination of SARS-CoV-2 and XMRVs (human gammaretroviruses)
SARS-CoV-2 also appears to have been manipulated to include components of HIV that destroys immune function along with XMRVs...One of the most shocking revelations Mikovits reveals is that she doesn’t believe SARS-CoV-2 is the cause of COVID-19
Another of her theories is that SARS-CoV-2 is unlikely to have had a zoonotic origin but is likely synthetically produced"
Judy Mikovits.  Well...

"According to Snopes, Mikovits has become a champion for believers in medical conspiracy theories, basing claims linking the XMRV to autism and cancer on other retracted papers, and claiming she had been jailed by the influence of the Deep state and Big Pharma for exposing the truth about vaccines. In reality, she was arrested for allegedly stealing lab notebooks, a computer, and other material belonging to Whittemore Peterson Institute."
And again, more on Mikovits, if you can take it, from Orac, can be found here.

Kurt Schlichter, Town Hall:  "America Doesn’t Have A Justice System Anymore"

At last, a right winger who is willing to admit what Trump, William Barr and Mitch McConnell have wrought on our country!  Oops, no, the crime is the persecuting of Trump, because of course it is.

And I will just leave you with this little gem, a video of Jenna Bush turning into a lizard person.  Just in case you thought they were speaking metaphorically when they talked about shapeshifting reptilians.


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