We're Doomed

Here's a comment from Jennifer Rubin at the Washington Post this morning:

"President Trump’s handling of the pandemic is getting lousy ratings. (CBS News reports: “President Trump’s handling of the outbreak continue to drop from March and are now the lowest he has received. Today, 43% say he’s doing a good job"

In other words, President Trump's incompetent, murderous, corrupt handling of an epidemic that is killing tens of thousands and destroying the economy has left him with an approval rating of...exactly what it has been during his entire term in office.  There is basically not a Republican voter in the country that has been awakened by the last three and a half years of criminality and dirty self-dealing. Not a single one.

Well, I can hear people replying that 43% is not enough to get re-elected.  But remember that all that it takes is to convince 8% of the rest of the voters not to vote for Biden (and the smear campaign is already in full force,) and he wins.  For the Democrats to win, they have to convince 51% of the voters to vote for sanity.

This is why I say that of all the crooked, abominable, traitorous things the Republican party has done in the last fifty years, by far the worst is building a voter base that is utterly immune to reason or common human decency, and can be manipulated into voting based on hatred, rage and greed.

And More:  I want to link to an excellent article along these lines at No More Mister Nice Blog.  Well worth a read.


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