The Green Eagle Campaign to Save America from Evil on the Internet

I am hereby proposing that everyone join in the following pledge:

"I will never purchase a thing or give a penny to any company or person who places an ad on a website, which plays out loud automatically."


Anonymous said…
I have taken this pledge!
Anonymous said…
yes yes and more yes

I pledge
Magpie said…
Doesn't happen a lot to me but okay.
isaac said…
I'm in. Actually, I've been doing it for quite some time, as I've never seen an ad for anything I wanted or needed interrupt my web surfing.
Green Eagle said…
Magpie, just wait. It is a relatively new phenomenon. It may be worse over here right now, but like the Spanish Flu, it'll get to you sooner or later.
Conrad said…
Why do you want to drive people out of work? If you boycott the companies you'll make their innocent employees suffer.
Green Eagle said…
That was a remark, Conrad, that was particularly lacking in any thought. First of all, if a job is lost at a bad company, it will be gained at a good one. People who need things are going to buy them; they have a perfect right to choose who they patronize based on the behavior of the company.

Secondly, and much more importantly, not even you could possibly believe that Green Eagle's call for a boycott is going to have a shred of effect in the world of commerce. What I said was obviously nothing but pointing out what I believe to be a vile commercial abuse of the internet. However, I will point out that consumers have no way at all of holding companies responsible for abuses like this, except to withhold their business.
Daxon said…
"First of all, if a job is lost at a bad company, it will be gained at a good one."

Riiiiight. In this world, it will be gained at an even worse one, if at all. Where are the good companies?

"People who need things are going to buy them;"
Green Eagle needs a through examination of his head, but that doesn't mean he'll buy one.
Green Eagle said…
Listen, Daxon, if I needed to have my humorous suggestion responded to by blithering idiocy and nitpicking, I'd join the Republicans.

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