It's All Okay in the Media Today.

Via a very important post at Crooks and Liars, concerning a segment on the execrable MSNBC show Morning Joe:

"...during the rebroadcast of the segment, Morning Joe cut away from Ignatius' explanation mid-sentence. During the initial broadcast, Ignatius said (emphasis added), "As I talked to a half dozen of lawyers who do nothing but this kind of work, they said they couldn't remember a case like this, where people informally and inadvertently draw classified information into their phone conversations or their unclassified server conversations, where there had been a prosecution."When the segment re-aired, Ignatius is heard saying, "As I talked to a half dozen of lawyers who do nothing but this kind of work, they said they couldn't remember a case like this," before the show skipped forward to a remark by co-host Mika Brzezinski about Clinton aide Cheryl Mills."

Thus making it seem not that there had never been a prosecution like this, but that there had never been an abuse as bad as what Hillary had done- the exact opposite of what David Ignatius had actually said.

Congratulations James O'Keefe and the Planned Parenthood smear campaign!  You have now succeeded in redefining the entire mission of the mainstream press, from telling the truth to manufacturing blatant lies!  Anything is fair now, as long as it serves your rich masters!

Any day now, O'Keefe will be replacing Rachel Maddow or Paul Krugman.  We're down to only a few people left with a voice who have any interest in what is really going on in this country.  I suspect a way will be found to silence them before the 2016 election really gets going.

Update:  And what penalty will MSNBC impose on Morning Joe for this abominable journalistic act?

"Exclusive: MSNBC to Expand Morning Joe One More Hour"


Unknown said…
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