$40 Million

And while I am on the subject, can I remind people that Dick Cheney made a personal profit of $40 million dollars from "no-bid," i.e. corrupt, contracts, which he awarded his own company while he was Vice President?  As far as I know, there has never, ever, in the entire history of the United States, been an example of blatant criminality in a Presidential administration that compares in any way to that, either in the massiveness of the amount or in the blatant disregard for any fig-leaf of legality.  And yet, no one seems willing to call this monstrous abuse of power what it is.

Cheney should have been imprisoned for this alone, but it pales to virtual insignificance compared to his other wrongdoing while in office.


Anonymous said…
He resigned in 2000
Green Eagle said…
He made $40 million on stock options, etc. from the Halliburton contracts he awarded. Once again, you know this perfectly well, but you choose to lie to hide what a miserable travesty your Republican leaders have made of the United States.
Anonymous said…
Well he made a profit when the Clinton Admin used Halliburton too
Green Eagle said…
Yeah, he made a personal profit, but he very nearly drove the company into bankruptcy. They were only saved when Cheney gave them those corrupt contracts.
Grung_e_Gene said…
Green Eagle, this is why the conservative drones have built up an edifice of false bugbears in their feeble minds about PBO. They have to convince themselves they didn't sell out the military, themselves and the whole nation feverishly supporting the most corrupt and evil presidency in history the W(orst) Administration by foisting all of Dick andDubyas evils onto Barack.
I visited the Halliburton plant in Duncan Oklahoma years ago, they had that pricks picture hanging just inside the factory door, a place he had probably never been.

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