The Truth Hurts, I Guess

Courtesy of Media Matters, this wonderful chart from Fox News of the nation's unemployment rate:

Observe from this chart that the current 8.6% unemployment rate is exactly the same as the 9.0% unemployment rate the month before, and is far above the 8.8% unemployment rate from last March.    Math is a wonderful thing when you are a Republican.


Jerry Critter said…
FOX knows that people often look at figures without really reading the figures.
Poll P. said…
How stupid do they think we are?! This stupid, I guess.
mastercynic said…
I wonder what their chart of the Clippers w/Butler and Billups vs a Lamarless Lakers w/a new coach would look like?
Dave Dubya said…
Notice the significant inaccuracies are on the RIGHT side of the graph, while the accurate measurements are on the LEFT.

Coincidence? Must be.

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