99%- We Should Be So Lucky

Anyone who thinks the battles in the United States today are between the bottom 99% and the upper 1%; and those people who think they are safe if they can just make it into that top 1%, should consider this piece of information:

"...the six Walton family members on the Forbes 400 had a net worth equal to the bottom 30 percent of all Americans."

Yes, the end game of the Republican plan is to leave the net worth of this country in the hands of not the top 1%, but of a few hundred families, after the pattern of South American dictatorships of yore.  The rest of us will just have to be content to degenerate into near slave status. It is the top hundredth or even thousandth of one percent that the Republican party exists for.  The "rich" who are today making half a million or a million a year are on a path to the same place as the guy who was making $200,000 a decade ago and thought that he was sitting pretty, until his world collapsed on him.

And the violent repression that answered even a mild protest by the #OWS people should be enough to let us know what will happen to anyone who makes a real attempt to turn this around.


Grung_e_Gene said…
Come On! The poor aren't really poor. It's not like Americans are dying of chlorea because thieves like Paul "The Vulture" Singer is using his financial power to keep them from getting clean drinking water.

"That" kind of poverty only happens to the really poor.
Green Eagle said…
As any loyal Cubs fan would say, "Wait 'till next year."
mastercynic said…
And let the streets run red... it is the only way to achieve an Arab Spring in the western world.
Green Eagle said…
Don't worry, Mastercynic. If #OWS shows any real sign of being able to accomplish things, we'll get some red streets here too.

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