And No, I Couldn't Help Myself

Some wonderful footage of the funeral procession of Kim Jong Il.  He was apparently quite the popular guy among the ladies.  Don't forget to listen to the tone of voice of the narrator- I think that's the best part.


Anonymous said…
that was the biggest display of brainwashing I have ever seen. What do all those people have in common? No tears. They don't dare be caught on camera not crying as the new kid on the block will be combing through those video searching for the "non-criers" to fill up those government prison camps.
Anonymous said…
One wonders if he was buried in his elevator shoes. The narrator WAS extraordinary.
Poll P. said…
At first, I thought it was the Beatles arriving; then I thought it was Mitt Romney's dog's kennel on top of the station wagon.
Magpie said…
"What do all those people have in common?"

They're not the majority of the population, who are malnourished. They’re party-privileged, probably the children of senior members.
But even some of them probably laughed afterwards.
Anonymous said…
Hmmmm party privileged. Sounds familiar.

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