How Many Lies Can a Republican Cram Into One Remark?

Mitt Romney tries for the record:

"At that time, we didn't have the knowledge that we have now. At that time, Saddam Hussein was hiding. He was not letting the inspectors from the United Nations into the various places that they wanted to go. The IAEA was blocked from going into the palaces and so forth. And the intelligence in our nation and other nations was that this tyrant had weapons of mass destruction.

And in the light of that- that belief, we took action which was appropriate at the time"

1.  We did have the knowledege we have now.  Bush, Cheney, et. al. just lied about it
2.  Saddam was not hiding.  He was sitting at home.
3.  Saddam was giving the UN inspectors full access to his country.  In fact, they only had to leave because the United States threatened them when we decided to go to war.
4.  We had exactly zero intelligence that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction; in fact, after years of inspection, we knew that he did not.
5. Our  murderous, criminal aggression against Iraq was not based on any of this, since our leaders knew perfectly well that it was a pack of lies, so applying the word "appropriate" to the invasion of Iraq is like calling Jeffrey Dahmer's diet "healthy."

And these lies never die, just like all Republican lies:  That it's Republicans, not Democrats who balance the budget, that Republicans give a damn about "our troops," that cutting rich people's taxes makes poor people richer too, that no one needs laws against corporate crime, since CEO's are such morally evolved creatures that they would never do anything that isn't in the country's best interest, that science is not what scientists say it is, but what rich people and religious fanatics say it is, that treating all people fairly is Communism, etc. etc.

Unfortunately, the remedy against these lies is a simple weapon: the truth; but it happens to be a weapon, like nuclear weapons, that is so devastating to the enemy that Democrats, in their altruism, have apparently determined that it must never be used again.


Dave Dubya said…
Goebbels lives. "Ich bin ein Republikaner".
Green Eagle said…
And still, Romney is a rank amateur liar compared to Newt.
Anonymous said…
Don't you have a bill to read so you find out what's in it?

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