What Could Go Wrong

 Or, another massive Trump victory in Federal Court today.

Donald Trump's Brilliant Legal Strategy

We hear from some sources that Donald Trump has already spent as much as $74 million dollars in legal fees to avoid the consequences of his multifaceted criminality, by clogging the justice system with idiotic appeals and other stall tactics, until he could run out the clock and postpone his reckoning past election day, when if re-elected he could crush any legal opposition to his rule.  Well, here is a fantasy that I had a few months ago.  When you look at Trump's adult life, it has consisted in an almost endless series of failures: six bankruptcies, two popular vote losses in Presidential politics, grotesque failures running the economy or the response to an epidemic, failures as a con man in his "university," his thieving charities and almost everything he ever tried to sell under his own name, and on and on.   Why should this be any different?  What I fantasized was that all of his stalling and all of his dirty legal tactics would end up by having charges that would have been settled two years ago and utterly forgotten by the majority of voters, end up in court, playing out every day on TV, right in the middle of the Presidential campaign.  Perfect timing, if you are a Democrat.  

It looks like we have a fair chance of that actually happening at this point.  Those of us who follow political affairs are undoubtedly dismayed to discover that, according to a poll from last week, that 47% of registered voters in this country are totally unaware that Trump has been indicted on a single one of the 91 charges against him.  A large majority, if asked, "If you knew that Trump had been indicted for a crime, would you approve of his candidacy," replied "no."  Well, nothing will help with that issue (which of course should be almost the only one this year- do you want an open criminal in the White House?) better than showing him being dragged in and out of courtrooms through the whole Presidential campaign, and presumably convicted on at least some of these charges.

Now, you may well wonder, given that our mainstream press has done such a miserable job of informing the public that Trump is a rapist and a con man and a traitor, if even his conviction for serious crimes will make a real dent in popular ignorance.  And that is a good question.  As I have said for years, Democrats could crush the Republican party into oblivion without hardly trying; what they cannot do is crush the Republicans and the press working together.  Still, Democrats, your task is to make damned sure that the American Public knows perfectly well who this man really is before they enter the voting booths next November.  Please, get to it. 


BB-Idaho said…
Perfectly logical. Now if someone could explain the surprising number of TrumpZombies
that believe they are voting for a saint....
Green Eagle said…
BB- I've said this before, but I will tell you what I think. Trump's followers know perfectly well that he is lying virtually every time he opens his mouth. There is, however, one thing he says that he means, and it is the only thing they care about: That if he is elected he will crush minorities, immigrants, Democrats and anyone else who stands up to him (and in their minds, them.) The rest is all just "owning the libs," driving sane people into a frenzy of despair over the idea that anyone could really believe all his fascist garbage.

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