Israel's Hopeless Choices

Whatever the answer is, this isn't it. We now have one more in an endless repetition of the same thing: Arab forces launch a vicious, murderous sneak attack on Israel, and then Israel tries to decide how to react. The Arab atrocities are already history, but Israel has not responded, as any country would, to a foreign attack. So, right on cue, the voices start screaming out, "cease fire!...Collective punishment!" Imagine if people had demanded the same thing in 1945, when allied forces moved into Germany. But of course, with the Jews, everything is different. Pressure is mounted around the world, with the result that Arab terrorists get to attack Israel over and over again, with Israel being demonized for responding with anything other than rolling over and just taking it. 1400 innocent lives down the drain, and any response is portrayed as an inhuman abomination. Here is an awful truth, but it is the truth nevertheless: Hamas has managed to embed its...