Tucker, We Hardly Knew Ye

 Well, that was a surprise, huh?  And now, Green Eagle will explain exactly what Tucker's disappearance means:


For evidence, let me cite one precedent: Rush Limbaugh.  At his height, Limbaugh was far more powerful that this egomaniacal little rich boy could even dream of being, but who remembers him now?  There are ten thousand others just waiting to take his place, just as there were with Limbaugh, and as long as the billionaires' message is trumpeted out to the masses day in and day out, they don't give a damn who gets paid to do it.  A little while and Tucker will be as forgotten as Father Coughlin and Gerald L. K. Smith. 

And as for why it happened, I don't know any more than you do, but here is my guess: it has very little to do with the Dominion settlement.  Tucker has been (inevitably) becoming more and more of an insufferable, self-important jerk, and this is a perfect opportunity for Rupert to send him back to the barn.  To paraphrase Bishop Berkeley, speaking about the death of Malebranche, the Dominion debacle was the occasion for Tucker's banishment, not the cause of it.  

Oh well, at least we will no longer have to suffer the indignity of seeing his smirking face pontificating on TV every night, although I hardly have to tell you that his replacement will likely be just as disgusting.


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