Another Note About Tucker

 Just from my personal experience.  I have spent most of my working life (about 37 years at this point) in motion picture and TV production. This was admittedly in dramatic TV, not news, but here is what I saw.  In virtually every case I was familiar with where a regular cast member left a show, it was because of one of two things: either they asked for a lot more money, or else they were assholes that nobody wanted to deal with any more.  Their departure essentially never stemmed from the dramatic needs of the show.  So, here, based on that, is what I think happened here.  Tucker Carlson is one of the most loathsome people you could ever imagine knowing, but he knew how to pander to the MAGA base.  He knew he could throw his weight around and there was not a lot Fox could do about it.  In the aftermath of the Dominion debacle, I think the Murdochs had just reached the end of their toleration of the little maggot, and used the confusion as an excuse to kick him off the bus.  It had, I expect, nothing to do with the Dominion settlement itself, or the rumors that are now circulating about some sort of harassment claims against him; they had simply had more of the creep than they could stand, so he is gone.  And hooray for that, no matter what the cause really was.


John Benson said…
Your experience in dramatic television is more relevant than news broadcasting experience would be. Tucker's show by Fox's own admission is not news, and "no reasonable person could believe it." If that doesn't qualify it as dramatic television I don know what would.
Green Eagle said…
Maybe as melodramatic television?

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