A Museum!

One of the most amusing chapters in the ongoing revelations about the endless corruption of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, is the purchase of his mother's house by right wing billionaire and Nazi fetishist Harlan Crow, at considerable profit to Thomas himself.  My favorite part of the story was Thomas' claim that there was nothing wrong with this arrangement, or the tens of thousands of dollars Crow spent fixing the place up so Thomas' mother could continue living there, because the whole purpose of the acquisition of the property was so that it could be turned into a museum(!) after Thomas' mother died; a museum lovingly memorializing Thomas' massive contribution to our nation's judicial history.*

This claim reminded me of something I saw long ago on the TV show COPS.  The police in this episode had found some sodden, drunk old derelict half passed out on the sidewalk, and rather than arrest him, they decided to just take him to his home and let him sleep it off.  When they got him into his bedroom, they took a look around, and found a dresser entirely filled with women's underwear. When the police asked him what that was all about, the guy told them that he had them because he was intending to start a museum of women's undergarments.

Well, that story was as believable as Clarence Thomas' one.  We've got the spectacle of Jim Jordan up in New York holding ludicrous show trials of a Democratic Prosecutor, Republicans screaming night and day about Hunter Biden's laptop and the (nonexistent) Biden crime family, and endless other baseless charges of Democratic misbehavior, while the Democrats are virtually all afraid to even point out the open criminality of this Republican Supreme Court Justice.

I'm old enough to remember when Thomas was nominated.  Everyone who cared to know was aware that this guy was corrupt to the core, but the Republicans counted, correctly, that Democrats would be too afraid of their own shadows to vote against putting a criminal on the Court, because he was black.  Thus began the packing of the current Supreme Court, until it has become, in the hands of Republican Justices, a tool for criminals to avoid an accounting for their crimes, and for billionaires to do whatever they damned please.  It's too late to do much about the six corrupt Justices on the court now, because we know from bitter experience that Republicans will not vote to impeach a Republican, no matter what kind of monster he is, but if Senate Democrats ever allow this to happen again, they should be horse whipped from D.C. to Santa Monica, with stops in between to enable the whole spectacle to be used to raise money for the National Clarence Thomas Museum.

*Note: other than the criminal part and the endless corruption on behalf of the hyper-rich, that could have been accomplished in a shoebox, but we'll leave that for another time.


Poll P. said…
I thought you were going to write about Harlan Crow's collections.
Green Eagle said…
A great idea! The Clarence Thomas Museum could certainly find a place for the paintings of Adolf Hitler.
anynameleft said…
I remeber the Thoms hearings and at the time, from his own statements, knew he was unfit.
In his testimony Thomas claimed to have no opinion on Roe v Wade.
He also declared he had never particiapated in any discussions about the decision even though it was made while he was in Law School.
To me thatmeant if he wa telling the truth his lack of curiousity would make him unfit as someone who is so lacks in intellectual curiousity that it would make him unfit.
Or he was lying Either way unfit.
As a side light on the Chicago public radio at the time an essayist /satirest did a man on the street segment just asking people if they had any opinion on the ruling. It turns out, as he pointed out, that Thomas was a member of the smallest minority in america i.e. Some one who had no opinion on Roe v. Wade.
Green Eagle said…
I remember it too. We all knew he was lying. Of course, Republicans exist because so many Americans do not bother to remember anything.

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