Okay, Somebody Needs to Say This

 And as usual, Green Eagle will go where nobody else will.  After my decades of watching politics, I want to tell you something that I am virtually convinced is true.  If we ever get to know the real origin of the classified documents that have been found in Biden's Vice Presidential papers, it will turn out that they were planted there by Republican operatives.  This is the overwhelmingly most likely explanation of all of this.  And don't even try to argue with me about this.  It is so clear that only a fool could believe otherwise.

And let's note that the disgusting coward Merrick Garland, who lives in constant fear that Donald Trump might say Boo to him, took only a few days to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate his boss; this after two years of being afraid to do a damned thing in public about Trump's open criminality and treason.

So, when we allocate blame for the disaster that is taking place in front of our eyes, don't forget to include Garland, and his feckless boss Biden.  Trump invents lies about Democrats, and screams about them for years; Democrats won't even tell the truth about the monstrosity that is the Republican party today.


Mostly.A.Cynic said…
Certainly an angle I did not think of. Would I be surprised if this scenario turned out to be true? Absolutely not!!
Doug Holland said…
Planted, eh? I don't know. They'd want to do it, certainly, but pulling it off would require some level of *competence* from someone connected to the Republicans, and nobody's seen that in decades.
The denial and projection of leftists regarding the long standing and complete corruption of Joe Biden is astounding.

Oh, and Doug Holland is right. The Republicans are not competent enough to pull this off, especially since Biden has already acknowledged his complicity in this (even though it was "inadvertent").
Grung_e_Gene said…
I know I'm a week late, but fuck yeah. These were no doubt planted by Trumpian Secret Services fuck stains who view themselves as the old Roman Praetorian Guard determining who gets to be in power. I want to know the types of documents retrieved, date generated, date printed and topic because there is no doubt this shit is planted to BOTHSIDES this shit. But even when the investigation shows the truth Faux News will claim massive cover-up and the political damage will continue forever. Republicans are vicious criminals who are edging closer and closer to that all out warfare declaration.
Grung_e_Gene said…
HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH MIKE PENCE just ruined the Rightwing Narrative! HAHAHAHAHAHAAH Mike Pence just wrecked the Republican Plans again! HAHAHAHAHA MIKE PENCE just blew up conservatives dreams of using the Classified Documents as a way to get Joe out of office. HHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH
Grung_e_Gene, I agree. They should use Biden's influence-peddling with China as evidenced on Hunter's laptop for impeachment proceedings. (10% to the "Big Guy") Or, they could use the murder of our Marines, Afghan civilians, and allies and the handing over of billions of dollars of US weaponry to a murderous authoritarian regime there. Just a few ideas... ;)
Grung_e_Gene said…
I agree Darrell that you are full of shit. But, since conservatives love lies and hate America of course you want to blame Biden "for the murder of our Marines" even though you couldn't name one of the military members who died from George W Bush and the Republicans warmongering in Afghanistan and Iraq nor can you be even arsed to understand who died while President Joe Biden extracted us from the Republican Afghanistan boondoggle. Nor do you care about any of the bullshit you spout!
Ah, Grung_e_Gene, not only can I name someone killed in Iraq, I even knew and had served with him.

Both of those wars (Iraq & Afghanistan) had solid reasons and bipartisan congressional backing in pursuing, including Hillary and John Kerry's. ("I was for the war before I was against it.")

I absolutely agree that we had no business in staying as long as we did or trying to conduct "nation building", but that is a far cry from ignoring the advice of your generals in retreating from Afghanistan without securing our weaponry, our allies in country, and our own people. The homicide bombings and resultant deaths of Marines fall squarely on the stooped shoulders of the cowardly and corrupt Biden, sir.

The fact that you think this is okay because it "got us out of Afghanistan" and your lack of acknowledgement of Biden's corruption and incompetence tells me that it is not conservatives that hate America.
Green Eagle said…
Gene, sorry I missed your comments until today. I always appreciate what you have to say, and this time is no exception.

As for you, Darrell, if you have read my blog for very long, you will know that I follow the right very closely and have since the 1960's. You are nothing but a run of the mill wingnut liar, and I have dealt with these lies far too often, from people far more talented at spinning them, to be bothered to do so now, with one exception: The second invasion of Iraq was a monstrous war crime in which American troops murdered a million innocent Iraqi civilians, on the basis of what our leaders knew to be lies. Bush and Cheney should have been executed for this crime against humanity, but like Reagan's literally treasonous collaboration with Iranian Mullahs, and Trump's far worse treason in selling the country's security out to a foreign dictator, Republicans are never punished for their crimes, while the same Republicans spend their time trying to destroy Democrats on the basis of nothing but lies and smears. Other than that, you are far too puny a target for me to waste my sarcasm on.
Grung_e_Gene said…
Green Eagle,
We actual veterans have a short response for Stolen Valor Darrell, take that bullshit walking.

You can tell he isn't a veteran and has no clue about gear left behind because said equipment has zero value.
Green Eagle, I have not followed your blog until lately. Based on your responses and that of your comrade Grung, I can see you are interested in perpetuating only your erroneous beliefs in your self-created echo-chamber. Any opposing views are obviously met with condescension at best and snarling derision typically. It was indeed foolish of me to think that there could be a good faith exchange of ideas and opinions here.

The fact that the billions of dollars in weaponry and vehicles left behind for the Taliban to utilize holds "zero value" in Grung_e_Gene's opinion makes me question his veteran bona-fides and his sanity.

Regardless, I'll let you kids alone to play in your own sand box. Cheers!
Grung_e_Gene said…
One of the worst things about rightwingers and goodness there a ton of things to choose from; the lying, the terrorism, the stupidity, the violent bigotry, the inhumanity, the lying about Covid and Vaccines, the desire to shackle women to forced child birth, the rabid pro rapist beliefs, has got to be the fact they never leave.
Green Eagle said…
Well, the individual ones leave eventually, but there are always so many more waiting to take over. I have been saying for some years now that the worst of all the malignant things the Republicans have done is to invent a way to damage the consciousness, or the sense of right and wrong, of their followers so completely that they are simply incapable of recognizing the truth. Sad to say, 99% of these millions of anti-American traitors is going to go to his grave positive that he is on the side of Jesus and the Constitution, and that includes Darrell. All we can do is try to see that they are able to replicate as few of themselves as possible.
Dave Dubya said…
A sound theory.

Republicans have proven again and again there's no dirty trick, fascist scapegoating, sedition or crime too low for them. The end always justify their means to power.

To them, government is for fear mongering for personal wealth and power, while punishing people they hate. Banning books, demonizing POC, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and shutting down "uppity" Black educators are dog whistles to bigots, racists, and fascists. It’s the Republican way.

And what kind of asshole House Speaker would tell a fellow member of Congress who is currently undergoing treatment for CANCER, that he can't wear a headscarf on the House floor?

Cruelty is the point with these neo-Nazi fascists who call themselves Republicans.

I'd also like to say I have the honor of being banned from our pal Darrell's blog.

I think my sin was repeating my requests for evidence to support his belief in Trump's Big Lie.

He really resented my questioning of his white identity grievance politics. He banned me for my "leftist hate", as he accepted his #1 fan's accusation that I'm a "racists commie". He's convinced I "hate America". He's totally radicalized and willfully delusional.

Or maybe it was my noting the fact he twisted like a pretzel in reaction to Trump's attempted self-coup on 1/6/21. He must have hated me quoting his own words.

This is what Darrell wrote at my blog on Jan 8, 2021:
“Dave, Trump was wrong to give encouragement and a wink and a nod to the protestors and delaying any attempt to rein them back. He was complicit. Sadly this ego maniacal narcissist tarnished the myriad of good things he has done for our country with this latest escapade.”

This is what Darrell wrote on May 15, 2021: “Trump instigates a riot according to the left and the media, but then I repeat myself. (He didn’t.)”

Orwellian as can be. He will praise Trump for all his days, despite the fact his hero PRAISED his thugs for terrorizing Congress and beating cops bloody.

For some reason he didn't want to discuss that either.

Go figure.

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