Heads I Win, Tails You Lose

 I am sure I have enjoyed the spectacle of grotesque Republican incompetence that is playing out in the House right now, as their new House majority tries to pick a speaker, as much as anyone.  It is a thrill to see CNN referring to "Republicans in disarray" for once, instead of the usual "Democrats in Disarray" which accompanies virtually every thing the Democrats ever try to do.  I must remind you though that for Republicans, even this monumental display of ineptitude serves a purpose.  

For decades, Republicans, whose true mandate from their billionaire benefactors is to prevent the will of the people from ever impeding the insatiable hunger of the rich.  One of their favorite methods to accomplish this is to convince voters that our government is a gigantic clown show.  For this purpose, given the both siderism surgically grafted onto our mainstream press by the Republican party, it makes no difference that the clowns are all on their side of the aisle.  If they can accomplish their malignant goals directly, great.  Otherwise, at least they can work to erode public faith in government, to make future subversions easier.  So, I think, they are thrilled with their self-generated demonstrations of futility.  People remember the chaos; they seem to have much less memory of who caused it.


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