An Outside Speaker?

With the Republicans in the House degenerating into complete chaos, several people have pointed out that nothing in the Constitution requires that the Speaker be a member of the House.  This is not actually a new idea among Republicans- over the last two years, a number of right wingers have suggested making Donald Trump the Speaker, presumably to be followed by a huge competition among the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers to see who could murder Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, making Trump the President, this being the current state of Republican respect for the Constitution.

Anyway, I have another suggestion- a person who has a long history as a Republican, yet who has the respect of many Democrats, and who is an experienced former member of the House:  Liz Cheney.

Note: this is not a serious suggestion, because Liz is a hard core right winger whose legislative priorities would be worse than Kevin McCarthy's.  But boy would it be a great way to own the Cons, the way they think they are always owning the Libs.


Daniel Becker said…
The own the enemy tactic is the primary motivation in the Republican party. The non 20 just can't figure out how it is the 20 missed the message that it is not an appropriate tactic for use on your party friends.

Just like the 10 commandments, Reagan's 11th is a situation only rule.
Green Eagle said…
Daniel, when you're crazy, you are crazy. The most obvious truths mean nothing to them; they are bent on their orgy of destruction. They know that the demographics of this country are more against them every year. I believe that many of them see this as their last chance to force White minority rule on the US forever, and I think nothing will stop them this time around.

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