We're Doomed


So, I saw the following in an article by novapsyche at Daily Kos today:

 "I read in late 2020 that Covid-19 could lead to what neuroscientists called dysexecutive syndrome...

One of the structures affected by DS is the ventral medial prefrontal cortext (vmPFC), damage to which has been linked with increased affinity for authoritarianism AND religious fundmentalism."

Great.  Just when we have been giving a sigh of relief over the fact that right wing stupidity is relieving us of the presence of about a thousand white supremacists every day, now we learn that it's turning the rest of them into brain dead fascist zombies.

And we thought that all that stuff in those cheap movies was fiction.  What next, a real alien invasion?


Infidel753 said…
Until we see real clinical data showing what proportion of "long covid" victims actually show an increased affinity for authoritarianism and fundamentalism, I wouldn't worry. That specific effect probably only happens with a small minority, if any. Covid-19 has been around for two years now -- if it were actually turning a substantial proportion of survivors into fundies, we'd already know about it.
VoenixRising said…
"What next, a real alien invasion?"

We're not that lucky. Sorry.
Dave Dubya said…
We shall see...

What HAS been confirmed is the conservative/authoritarian personality has an over-active amygdala, the "fight or flight" function of the primitive brain.

This goes far in explaining their "increased affinity for authoritarianism AND religious fundamentalism".

Green Eagle said…
Dear Infidel,

I just want to take a moment to assure you that I do not believe that the Covid virus is turning wingnuts into brain-dead fascist zombies in any significant number.

That is the job of the Republican party, and while they have for decades successfully evaded any demands that they perform the duties they were elected to do, they have persisted in this particular task, with notable success.

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