Ordinary Citizens

 From the Republican National Committee today:

“WHEREAS Representatives Cheney are Kinzinger are participating in a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in in legitimate political discourse, and they are both using their past professed political affiliation to mask Democrat abuse of prosecutorial power, therefore ...”

Ordinary citizens.

Like these guys, I guess.  The really frightening thing is that the Republican Committee members are not lying.  They actually believe that a Fascist coup attempt is legitimate political discourse.

Well, there you go.  Germany, 1923.  A well meaning but hapless liberal government that refuses to admit what is happening, and a violent mass psychosis among right wingers.  Turns out, it is pretty easy to induce that psychosis on wingnuts, and almost impossible to get liberal leaders to face reality.

I'm not predicting that the Fascists are going to win this time, but I'm not predicting that they won't.  Sad to say, it is mostly in their hands; if they are willing to stoop low enough we will get our very own Hitler right here at home.  And based on what we have seen so far, I do not believe there is any depth they will not stoop to.


dervy scram said…
yes because White nationalism is all powerful and never loses even when it does. dude, you got issues
Green Eagle said…
White nationalism always loses. It's just that last time around, white nationalism killed 55 million people before it lost.
Dave Dubya said…
yes because White nationalism is all powerful and never loses even when it does. dude, you got issues

Just like the narcissistic liar Trump lost and denied it with his fascist Big Lie. "Never admit defeat."

dervy and Trump are the ones with issues. They deny reality.

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