News from the World of Tennis

 Never thought you'd see Green Eagle, who knows as much about tennis as he knows about orthopedic surgery, talking about this, huh?  And it is not even about that dickhead that refused to get vaccinated and was kicked out of a tournament in Australia.

No, this is about one Mohammed Al Awadi.  Never heard of him?  Well, if you lived in a large part of the world (hint: the Muslim part) Mohammed Al Awadi would be your latest hero.  And what did Mohammed Al Awadi do to achieve such adulation?

"Mohammed Al-Awadhi is 13 years old and ranked ninth in Asia and the best in his category in Kuwait at all age stages

Big Praise For Young Al Awadi as He Refuses to Face Israeli Player in Dubai Tennis...The young Kuwait tennis player Mohammad Al Awadi is being hailed as a hero for pulling out of a Dubai tournament for the under-14s because he doesn't want to face an Israeli competitor and wanted to be branded as a normalizer with the Jewish state."

This is typical of literally hundreds of articles that have been written praising this 13 year old boy.  I won't bother you with any more, because they are mostly all the same.  He's being adulated all over the world:

Now, I must admit that my initial suspicion is that his family and he were threatened if he played the Israeli and lost, and so he made the sensible choice of not being killed.  But now I have another suspicion.

One of the endless posts about this kid led me to do a Google search for his name, and I found myself at the site of the International Tennis Federation.  I checked their site for a Kuwaiti named Mohammed Al Awadi, and sure enough, I found someone with that name.  He is a 40 year old man, who had participated in one youth tennis match in the late 1990's, and lost.  That's it.  Not a mention of the supposedly ninth ranked guy in the above picture.

So now I wonder, does this kid even exist, or is this just one more preposterous Palestinian lie that anti-Semites around the world are thrilled to swallow whole?  Make up your own minds.


dervy scram said…
yes because it's palestinian lies that are killing brown people. smmfh
Green Eagle said…

Arab lies have killed a half million people in Syria in the last few years, and untold tens of thousands in Yemen, Libya, the Sudan and Lebanon. They have also precipitated the deaths of a couple thousand Palestinians. Grow up and face reality.

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