Good Riddance, You Bastard


Rot in hell, you malignant son of a bitch.  I hope you suffered a thousand deaths before you were gone.  Nobody could deserve it more.


One Fly said…
Being too nice again.
Magpie said…
Long ago I was in my then girlfriend's car in Japan, and she or me was flicking radio stations and it landed on FEN - Far East Network, part of American Forces Radio.

And this bombastic guy comes on... ranting about women and some political thing that had happened, and a woman calls in to say "it's not that they're women - it's that they're liberal women".
And he says "no it's because they're women!"
and then goes off with the most poisonous Right wing horseshit I had ever heard up to that time. Never heard anything like it (the internet was in its infancy then and I wasn't online). It really sounded like he was saying women shouldn't be allowed to have a say.

That was Rush Limbaugh, I would come to find out. Spewing bile over the airwaves across the world to make US personnel posted overseas feel a bit more like they're home.
jono said…
What's the difference between Rush Limbaugh and the Hindenburg? One was a Nazi gasbag and the other is a dirigible.
Flying Junior said…
Other than Trump, Rush apparently was first in their hearts. Just fucking wow.

It's no fun casting a statue of a deposed dictator. But if I was dictator I would commission a major artist. I would take the traditional slightly younger, yet fiercely mature, more handsome, heroic and athletic version of my physique and visage. And stick to bronze for crying out loud.

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