I'll Just Say It Here First

Trump's plan to "deal with" the Coronavirus epidemic by stopping collection of payroll taxes is nothing but a way to further damage Social Security funds to make it easier for the Republicans to destroy Social Security if he is re-elected.


bt1138 said…
It's not just that they want to cut the safety net.

You have to understand that cutting taxes is literally the only idea that the GOP has at this point.

If I had cancer, they'd offer me a tax cut.

They've really given up on doing government at all. They fucking contracted out the Iraq war when they had the chance. They are running on empty.
Now Am Found! said…
gotta make up the money they are no longer getting since the big ass tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy
Green Eagle said…

You forgot slashing regulations, i.e. making criminal behavior by rich people legal. This includes, notably, the Dodd-Frank bill, which is all that prevented a 4,000 point collapse in the Dow today.
Unknown said…
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