Fool Me Twice...Won't Get Fooled Again

Fool me ten thousand times, and I must be part of the mainstream press.

So Donald Trump apparently made some kind of appearance today where he managed to seem rational for about half an hour.

I turned on the TV to see how they were covering the latest 3,000 point collapse of the Dow, and instead was treated to an endless sequence of anchors and guest pundits raving about how serious and well informed Trump was.  Finally, he gets it and is doing a great job as President!

Apparently none of them can remember the first two years of his administration, when every time he ceased acting like a mentally deficient, raving madman for five minutes, the press declared that he was finally "pivoting" to being Presidential, even though everyone with half a brain knew he was not capable of being anything but a narcissistic jerk, no matter what was happening around him.  Seemed like that notion had finally withered away in the face of overwhelming evidence of what he is, but apparently not.  We are now, I guess, going to be treated to the Presidential Pivot, 2020 version.

Here is the truth:  Trump is a stupid and vicious man who cares about nobody but himself.  What he is worried about in particular is the fact that, the minute he leaves the White House, he is going to spend the rest of his life as a criminal defendant in one court or another.  So, nothing means a thing to him but winning the November election.  With the utter collapse of the market, he has lost the biggest lie he had to tell about how great he is, and it has forced him to listen to people that tell him he has to act sane.  But we have seen a similar story from him a hundred times already.  You know that he will be back to his usual abominable behavior in almost no time; you can take that to the bank, which is more than you may be able to do with your 401K in a couple of weeks.

And a Little More, from a day later:

Tengrain:  "Our Failed Political Press who were just praising Hair Füror for his “tone” yesterday, you did hear him today, right? You got played for suckas again."

And more, a day later:  From Talking Points Memo:

"Trump Presser Goes Off The Rails With Repeated Attacks On Media...President Trump repeatedly went after the media during a coronavirus task force press briefing Thursday, saying that he should kick out all but a handful of reporters he likes.

“We were very prepared. The only thing we did not prepare for was the media,” Trump said when asked about testing shortages as the coronavirus began to spread domestically."

And sorry, Tengrain, they are not suckers, they are collaborators.


Now Am Found! said…
truer words was never posted
Jerry Critter said…
He was reading a script. I doubt that he understood one word he said.
Professor Chaos said…
No, see he understands everything because his uncle was ax scientist!

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